The Ole Antmythopoeia

An Incomplete Trilogy

About the Book

The Ole Antmythopoeia: An Incomplete Trilogy. This is an INTERPRETATION GAME. The rules are simple: In the following pages, piece together the numerous illustrations and words into a narrative that makes sense to you.

This style of storytelling, called REMIX FICTION, is how the ants tell each other stories; in particular, fables from their nihilistic deism called NARANATHISM.

I’ve scoured the RETROPRESENT in search of the ants’ fables and have found their greatest one in an incomplete form. Divided into three parts, I’ve presented it in the form of a metafictional video game; an important aspect of NARANATHISM.

This wonder tale, called GRASSHOPPER SHARPSHOOTER, tells the life story of Airen Tony Coleman; a metafictional deity who the ants consider to be the greatest within their meta pantheon.

The Incomplete Trilogy, as some among the ants call it, consists of a BACKSTORYSOCIAL RPG and STARTER GUIDE. Playing this INTERPRETATION GAME of the ants will challenge your understanding of nihilism in a profound way. In its incompleteness, this trilogy of DIVINE MADNESS best exemplifies the Japanese concept of “wabi-sabi“; a kind of beauty within the flawed.

I implore you, potential player, to have fun figuring out what you’re reading. Not a soul has yet to ascertain the intrinsic meaning contained within GRASSHOPPER SHARPSHOOTER. Mayhap you’ll be the one to achieve the improbable. Oh, and if you’re patient, read all the way to the end of this tome for a teaser.

As for myself, its back to the RETROPRESENT. The numerous INTERPRETATION GAMES of NARANATHISM demand a discoverer and I intend to discover. Expect more wonder tales in the future, if FORTUNE will have me.

Make good small decisions.

The Ole Antmythopoeia

About the Author

Call me A.C.

Who am I?

Just a guy that loves adventure.

And a good game or two.

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, The Ole Antmythopoeia, What is it about?

Absolutely! I created a mythology and belief systems for the ants called NARANATHISM. Said religion is showcased in a wonder tale about a metafictional deity who goes on a 1000 year pilgrimage to defeat an axiom in order to learn what the intrinsic meaning of life is. This book is the first of many that will elaborate on NARANATHISM; said book is experimental. A kind of interpretation game, in a manner of speaking.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, The Ole Antmythopoeia, is it directed at any particular market?

This book was written with two audiences in mind: individuals with autism and men between the ages of 17 to 35. I’ve discovered that females who’ve read some of the book have also found it entertaining. As such, my book as a broader appeal for most adults in general.

Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?

My favorite author is Robert Greene. His book, Mastery, is my favorite because it demonstrates how every homo sapien has the potential to achieve their own form of magnifcence. Something unique to them and them alone.

Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?

Write whatever is on your mind. Be experimental and DO NOT read “how-to-books” or self-help books on writing. You’ll NEVER replicate another’s author’s writing style, for the simple fact that you’re not that author (literally). Commit to your unique approach to telling a story. I promise you, someone will be interested in what you have to say, regardless of how you may feel about your writing. Do the thing you’re destined to do. Fortune will take care of the rest.

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