About the Book

52 Messages is your motivational book journal for self-care and mental well-being.
Are you interested in boosting your mental wellbeing while taking massive action in your life? 52 Messages can help you, or someone close, achieve positive change by providing motivation, inspiration and encouragement that can drive you to action.
About the Author
Simon is an Author, mental wellbeing advocate, creative entrepreneur and keynote speaker on personal branding and storytelling. Connect with him at www.simontefula.com
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
52 Messages is your motivational book journal for self-care and mental well-being.
I believe everyone should have a mental well-being toolkit to support their mental health. This can include resources and activities such as daily exercise, professional counseling, therapy, coaching, reflection and self-help. Having short-term goals and a consistent routine is essential. The positive thoughts and structured activities in this book helped me turn my life around – from anxiety and depression to a more optimistic and achievement-focused outlook. This book can become one of the tools in your mental well-being toolkit.
52 Messages can be your weekly motivational journal for improving your mental well-being. It includes messages that encourage you to upgrade what I call your ‘personal operating system’. This is the ‘software’ that directs the psychological, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and even financial aspects of your life.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Anyone that is interested in personal development, self-help and well-being.
What’s unusual about this book is that it caters to the widest audience by combining visual, auditory and kinesthetic experience. The illustrations and videos are designed for people that process and digest information visually. A soon-to-be-released audiobook – and the videos’ soundtrack – caters to those who prefer to listen. The book’s messages are meant to provide motivation, inspiration, and encouragement for action. But this is down to the reader. The suggested activities are not a goal in themselves; they are what will lead to sustained action and, hopefully, change. So, in that sense, the activities provide a framework for kinesthetic experience.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
As that old saying goes, There can be no enemy on within if there’s no enemy without. It is extremely important to look after your mental well-being.
My favourite book is – The Chimp Paradox: The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence, and Happiness, helps you do just that. Apart from the bible, this is pretty much my life reference book on how to manage emotions.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
If you are creative and wish to share your work with the world, you need to be true to yourself. Put work out there that you truly feel. You don’t need, and shouldn’t seek, consent in your creative process. Art is supposed to be subjective. If you’re happy with it, if you feel it, put it out there. Your work is not for everybody. It cannot be for everybody. You cannot impress everybody; even Jesus tried but failed. Regardless of what you do, and how you do it, there will always be people that hate your work and, hopefully, those who love it. Just do what you love and feel, then put it out there.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
People can find out more about me on simontefula.com. They can also watch the book documentary and find out more about how the book was made on 52messages.com
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