Books by Leanette DeJesus

About the Book

Are you searching for a journal that can transform your mindset with your words? Sometimes in life, it’s essential to know ourselves better, whether by surrounding ourselves with strong individuals, reading motivational books, or jotting down our ideas and thoughts. This journal is designed for you to express your feelings and ideas, helping you realize your full potential and overcome obstacles and distractions. It’s not just a collection of blank pages; each page includes thought-provoking questions for introspection, allowing you to record your thoughts and more. Moreover, it features quotes, a coloring page, and much more.

About the Author

Leanette DeJesus is a new author reaching out to the world. She is of Afro-Latin descent and is from the Bronx, NY. She is married with two kids and loves books and lipgloss. In fact, along with writing this journal book to help people, she also has her lip gloss line called ScentzGloss.

She received her B.A. in Human Services, concentrating on children and families. Leanette worked in the Philadelphia School District, helping to improve the lives of problem kids. As much as she liked working to help kids, she decided to take a leap of faith and start her journey by continuing to help others through her words.

Leanette loves to laugh, have fun, and spend time with friends and family. But above all, she is passionate about helping people. This sincerity and dedication are also reflected in her love for making custom-made shirts, cups, and more.

Leanette’s life has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but she’s always managed to rise above. Her resilience is a testament to her strength and determination. She is a woman with a unique journey and has a dream of becoming an author. Fueled by her lifelong passion for helping others, she has poured her time and energy into crafting this journal book and more. Currently, she is fully immersed in her debut work, ‘Walking into Your Purpose,’ while balancing her role as an entrepreneur. This job offers the discipline and structure that writing demands.

Surrounding herself with individuals with similar backgrounds for years to overcome obstacles provided her with a way to want to understand and help change the lives of others through a self-help journal book. She believes everyone has a purpose in life, and you should embrace your uniqueness.

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?

My journals are self-help books designed to help you reach your full potential. However, before achieving success, it’s essential to identify the factors hindering your progress. By documenting your thoughts, you can gain insight into what’s causing stress, anxiety, distraction, and more. Stepping out of your comfort zone can facilitate a change in mindset. Discovering your true self can lead to positive and transformative experiences.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?

My journal book is for anyone who wants to change their life. You don’t need to be stressed, anxious, or have other issues to want more. If you enjoy writing your thoughts and need help with quotes, thought-provoking questions, and writing a letter to yourself, these journal books are here to help.

Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?

I enjoy reading mysteries and erotica books. My favorite author is Zane. Her books are very imaginative and captivating. Although I love all her books, my favorite is Addicted.

Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?

Don’t be afraid to try something new, step out of your comfort zone, and write down any interesting thoughts. It’s never too late to start your writing journey.

Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?

Your readers can learn more about me through my Instagram: They also can learn more about my Journal book by visiting my website,

Qn 6: What do you think would appeal most about your journals?

The most appealing aspect of the book are the thought-provoking questions. These questions prompt individuals to reflect on their lives, including their distractions and stress levels. For example, one question in the book is: “Life is full of distractions. How will you maintain focus in such a busy environment?

Qn 7: What inspired you to create these journals and how do you use them yourself?

My life journey was my first inspiration. There was a moment in my life when I lost myself. As a mother of two and a wife, I was so overwhelmed with helping everyone that I forgot about taking care of myself. One day, I realized that while I would always be there for my kids and husband, I also needed to prioritize my own well-being. I became aware of my distractions and stress levels and worked on overcoming them. Additionally, I noticed that there were many individuals who were in a similar situation to mine. I love helping people in a positive way, so I asked myself, “How can I help others?” I realized that writing down my thoughts had immensely helped me, which led to the idea of creating my Journal books. These journal books will help many individuals overcome distractions and obstacles to achieve their goals by taking steps out of their comfort zones.

Qn 8: Your journals are focused on embracing your inner self, what has been the most challenging thing you have had to overcome or learn?

I am learning to love myself inside and out. The biggest challenge was my perception of my own beauty. At a young age, I was told something that affected how I see myself in the mirror. No matter how much people would say how beautiful I am, I couldn’t see it. As I got older, I had to learn to switch my mindset and embrace myself, and that is when I started to see what others were seeing.

Qn 9: What guidance would you give to someone as they start using your journals?

Keep an open mind and believe that you can overcome negative situations, even when you feel like giving up. If you can visualize and feel it, then you can achieve it. Stay focused, keep learning, surround yourself with positive people, and continue to use journaling as a tool for personal growth.

Qn 10: What will you be working on next?

I want to start a women’s group to empower and support each other. I already have a group name and a presentation.

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