About the Book
The shady lawyer Marc Bergmann is found dead sitting on a park bench. It quickly transpires that the man has been poisoned with chocolate truffles. Inspector Quentin Neuner and his team have to work their way through the complex private life of the dead man. Marc Bergmann was married but had a fiancée and a good half-dozen mistresses who require tight time management. While investigating the surroundings, the police also come across a Russian gangster boss whom the murdered man had represented at court hearings and with whom he had conducted shady business. But there are also his parents-in-law who do not exactly endear Marc. Especially the father-in-law, owner of a construction company, had a motive because the dear son-in-law wanted to take over the company and sell it for profit. Most of the suspects have watertight alibis and are soon ruled out. However, when Quentin Neuner’s childhood sweetheart gets involved in the case, things get even more difficult for the investigators. Have Quentin Neuner and his team missed something? Pralinen des Todes is a crime novel with exciting entanglements and gripping dialogues. Quentin Neuner and his team go about their work consistently but are not immune to mistakes. Since the victim was a B-list celebrity, they have to deal with the press, the mayor, and the police chief, who puts on a lot of pressure. The foray through Salzburg provides the necessary local colour.

About the Author
Marie Anders was born in Kirchdorf an der Krems, Upper Austria. She grew up multilingually in an international environment and has lived, studied and worked in the United States, Serbia, Russia, Germany and France, among other places. She has recently returned to live and work in her native country, Austria.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
DEATH BY TRUFFLES is the first book of a series of 4 German novels. So far two have been translated into English. DEATH BY TRUFFLES and THE FINNISH SOCK
In DEATH BY TRUFFLES Marc Bergmann, the town’s womanizer, is found dead near the Salzach river, in the beautiful city of Salzburg. Marc Bergmann, the shady lawyer, was married, had a fiancée and various lovers. And to this, he had dubious connections to the mob. Soon it is clear that poisoned chocolate truffles sealed Marc’s faith. The more Quentin Neuner and his team delve into the case, the stranger things get. When Neuner’s childhood sweetheart turns up, the case takes a sudden unexpected turn.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Any reader who loves mystery crime novels in Agatha Christie-style will enjoy this book. It is an easy read and takes you to the beautiful city of Salzburg, Austria.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
I’ve read so many good books throughout my life that it’s hard to choose a favourite. I like to alternate between “heavy” and “light” when it comes to books. I think Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen are great. I also like Umberto Eco and Agatha Christie for crime novels and Nicholas Sparks for romance.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
You have to be very disciplined and write every day. Sometimes you will be able to write page after page quickly and with ease. At other times you will end up with two sentences that you delete again. Writing is 30 per cent talent and 70 discipline. It is essential to take the time to write every day. See it as a job that needs to be done.
Once your book is finished, let random people read the manuscript and make them comment on it. Of course, every author is happy about positive feedback, but constructive criticism is just as important because you can develop as an author and learn from mistakes made through it.
Even if it’s hard to find a publisher, you should never give up or doubt your talent.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
I am on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marieandersautorenseite/
Instagram: 5020marieanders
Twitter: Marie Anders@MarieAnders5020
and you may also check out my website:
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