About the Book
Einstein in the Attic: Set against the backdrop of the war between science and God, reason and faith, Einstein in the Attic is the story of one scientist’s search for truth and meaning when faced with the ultimate question: Is there a God? Fleeing war-torn Lebanon, Adam Reemi’s faith is shaken by the hardships he has endured, but when he and a colleague successfully construct a nano hadron collider and using sound waves, Adam finds unheard-of power at his fingertips. To help him answer the greatest question mankind has ever posed, he zaps the best philosophical minds of all time–namely Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Soren Kierkegaard, and Baruch Spinoza–from the past and into his attic. Not all goes according to plan, however, and Adam finds himself in a race against time to formulate an answer to the question of intelligent design… or risk losing everything.

About the Authors
Dana Dargos is a published Lebanese-American writer born and raised in the Bay Area. From the moment she created adventurous, crayon-scribbled tales in kindergarten, she knew writing would forever be a part of her life. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in English Literature. “Einstein in the Attic” is her debut novel. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with friends and family, trying new places/activities, traveling, reading, writing, painting, swimming, watching movies, and playing with her bunny, “Fufi.”
Said Al Bizri is a writer, existentialist thinker, and avid researcher with a BA from the American University of Beirut. He works as a business development director in a number of countries. Together, Said and Dana conducted five years of research to ensure plausible and accurate scientific and historical information. “Einstein in the Attic” is also his debut novel. In his spare time, he is a big movie buff and loves swimming.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, Einstein in the Attic, What is it about?
Einstein in the Attic is a one-of-a-kind original novel whose main characters delve into valid scientific proofs, arguments, and counterarguments and objectively scrutinize to deduce the existence of a creator. The scientific proofs and their subsequent scientific advancements have been well-researched, are accurate, and hold high merit and validity. Furthermore, the novel presents them in a simple, yet unpredictable, entertaining, and accessible manner that makes it appealing to the general audience that keeps the reader hooked and eager to read the next page.
The novel is a distinctive intelligent science fiction story because it grapples with big questions through an entertaining pinch of humor, an engaging manner of dialogue, a strong narrative arc, a unique voice and writing style, diversity, and powerful character developments — all while also delving deeper into the world of spirituality.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, Einstein in the Attic, is it directed at any particular market?
Sci-fi readers and the general audience since this novel explores the themes of faith, the problem of evil, good versus evil, mental health, and discovering oneself, which many will find to be relatable.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Dana – My favorite authors are Charlotte Bronte, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gillian Flynn, Khaled Hosseini, and the writers of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series for various reasons. With Bronte, for example, I love her ability and precision to translate every exact human emotion and experience in existence into beautiful language that many of us don’t even know how to. With F. Scott Fitzgerald, I love his simplistic, yet gorgeous language. With all of these authors, one thing is for certain, though: I love how there is an aspect of inspiration and motivation in their writing. Being able to leave people with something to reflect on is, (personally), an important goal of crafting a novel.
Said – My favorite novel is “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells because it has all of the elements that I enjoy in a story–specifically the time travel and philosophical twist that it presented.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Dana – It’s cliché, but I would tell people to never give up and hang steadfast onto your dreams, no matter how hard it gets because you will come across a lot of people that do not support you or your ambitions. Furthermore, you may even feel overwhelmed and alone at times since you’re going through the wondrous journey of becoming an author all by yourself. Therefore, it’s easy to lose hope in yourself and it is essential to march forward no matter what. Don’t let anything hold you back–whether it’s fear, anxiety, etc… Don’t limit yourself. Don’t be your own enemy. Having said that, I would also remind writers to seek a balance in life. Yes–aim for your goals. But don’t forget to also give yourself a break every once in a while or else you’ll get burned out and end up holding yourself back. This applies to everything in life, not just writing. Always seek a balance–a middle road.
Said – The best advice I would have to give is to read as much as you can. Whether the goal is to improve your language and style or properly research the subject you’re writing about, reading is a must.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
– https://www.danadargos.com
– https://www.facebook.com/officialdanadargos/
– Instagram: @officialdanadargos
– Twitter: dana_dargos
– Tiktok: @danadargos
– Twitter: @SaBizri
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