Note from the Author 🙂
I will give signed copies at public events and if people request the book via email at mj@marianjefferson.com for $10.00 less shipping and tax.
About the Book
Teach Me to Pray with TJ and Bear, 2nd Edition, is the first in a children’s book series about growing up, learning values, problem-solving, and building faith. As parents, we want to raise children who are confident in their faith and able to live out that faith anywhere. Each book in the series builds upon the next but can also stand alone.
This approach to teaching will enable children to acquire and make use of basic life skills and obtain the character-building blocks of faith, love, friendship, patience, gratitude, coping with change, and more.
Children will love this winsome adventure in the Teach Me with TJ and Bear book series, while simultaneously developing the ability to foster a positive attitude in the face of struggles and hardships they may encounter in this ever-changing world.
This series is designed to be a clear, practical, and engaging resource for parents looking for guidance in imparting wisdom and celebrating life, growing up, faith, and family. There are even pages near the end of the book where children can write their own prayers. It is truly a unique book with a timeless message.

About the Author
Dr. Marian Hubbard Jefferson is a writer, Griot of this digital age, and consultant who specializes in helping business owners and entrepreneurs succeed. She is the author of the popular children’s book “Teach Me to Pray with TJ and Bear,” which uses fun, interactive activities to teach children ages 7-12 the basics of prayer. MJ, as she is affectionately known, has vast knowledge and experience in the areas of writing, digital marketing, and personal branding, She is the perfect guide for entrepreneurs looking to unlock their business potential. Whether you’re looking for practical advice or need guidance on how to navigate the digital landscape, Marian has the expertise to help you reach your goals.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
God is good, and prayer is one of the ways we can talk to Him! In Teach Me to Pray with TJ and Bear, children will learn all about prayer and how they can talk to God anytime, anywhere. This sweet story follows TJ and his happy-go-lucky dog, Bear, as TJ learns about faith, family, and the power of prayer.
I am hopeful to get this book into the hands of parents and kids ahead of the National Day of Prayer on May 4 this year.
Prayer is such an important part of our faith, and this book is the perfect way to introduce it to little ones. With adorable illustrations and a simple, relatable story, Teach Me to Pray with TJ and Bear is a must-have for any Christian family with young children.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
This book would likely be of interest to parents, grandparents, teachers, and other adults who are looking for fun, engaging resources to teach children ages 7–12 how to pray. It would also be of interest to Christian bookstores, churches, and other religious institutions that are looking for educational materials for children.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
The Bible, Toni Morrison’s “God Help the Child” and, “A Woman Speaks”, and James Baldwin’s Go Tell It On the Mountain” are just a few that stand out to me most immediately.
I love the Bible for many reasons. First, it is a book that allows me to experience the heart of my creator. Second, it leaves me in awe to think that the creator of the world would be so intricately involved in his creation and that he would send his son to die so that they would not be lost to him. The Bible in its entirety is one big story of God’s love toward mankind, and I love a good story.
I have struggled with the works of Toni Morrison, both for religious reasons and the fact that her work is so hard-hitting and often pulls at touch points that reveal in me pictures of myself I am not always ready to look at. Books, poetry, and music tend to have this effect on me. Whether positive or negative feelings exist, it is always an important experience because it makes me look, even when I don’t want to. Toni Morrison’s work keeps me thinking, challenges me, gives me hope, overwhelms me, surprises me, makes me feel sensual, and makes me question it all at the same time. I don’t always agree with the conclusions she comes to or even some of her core beliefs, but I never walk away empty-handed. Simply put, she moves me.
James Baldwin was one of the first writers I ever read. I used to complete my work earlier than most of the students in my elementary school classroom. The teacher began to bring a box that she described as her social studies box. The material was different from what we had been reading about Texas and the United States because it was written on these small notecards with stories about people who looked like me. He debated Malcolm X and William F. Buckley in a spirited and engaging way. He wasn’t afraid to broach difficult topics. He was impassioned and played a key role in the fight for civil rights. When I was younger, because of my own experience with abuse, I was very angry and at times even hostile. Reading Baldwin taught me that you can be angry, be expressive, be heard, and maintain self-control. I am grateful to have his life as a part of my own narrative of growth, development, and resilience.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
My advice for someone new to writing, or looking to improve their writing, would be to read as much as you can. Reading is essential for honing one’s craft. It’s also important to write every day. I know that I won’t get better without consistent practice. My music teacher used to say that fifteen minutes of concentrated practice is better than an hour of just tinkering around.
Writing can be intimidating at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Getting advice and critiques from experienced writers can be incredibly helpful in improving one’s writing. Finally, find an audience and make public performances of your work or parts of it routine as part of perfecting your craft.
It definitely keeps me examining, changing, and looking at things that need to be changed after immediate feedback from others.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
To find out more about what I’m up to or where I’m performing or doing a book reading, you can visit my website at MarianJefferson.com and sign up for my monthly newsletter. You can also drop me an email at mj@marianjefferson.com
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