About the Book
In this updated version of her 2013 book, Ms. Kincross shares her approach to finding the right relationship. Are you tired of looking for Mr. or Ms. Right? ‘The Journey to I Do’ will get you on track to meet the partner of your dreams.
Why it is important for you to read this book?
- Look at your definition of soulmate and why you should consider changing it.
- Learn about the law of attraction and the role it plays in the partners you meet and date.
- Explore your baggage and your story and how they have the power to hold you back.
- Learn about psychic cords and the reason why you should cut them?
- Learn why you should forgive old hurts.
- Learn about the dating no-no’s and why you should stop doing them.
- Learn how to get into the right alignment to meet the partner of your dreams.
- Learn how to create and work the ‘lists’ and their effectiveness in bringing-in the partner of your dreams.
In a market where most books require the reader to learn numerology, develop their intuition, follow rules or cast spells, ‘The Journey to I Do’ is distinctive in that it creates a sacred space in which the reader can rediscover who they are. To assist in the discovery process, the reader will find five key points for reflection and journaling at the end of each chapter. These key points coupled with the material presented in the chapter are tools which will enable the reader to determine his or her level of openness with regard to the subject matter. The Journey to I Do is a thought-provoking yet step-by-step guide to finding the right relationship. A priceless tool for those searching for the love of their life, this guide will help readers to identify, understand, heal and love what is inside of themselves.

About the Author
I am a psychic, sensitive, lightworker, empath and healer who has been doing readings for over 25 years. I am the author of the book, The Journey to I Do: A Psychic’s Guide to Finding the Right Relationship. I began having psychic impressions and premonitions at a young age. I have worked with people from all walks of life and I’m thrilled to assist people on their journey.
I love ‘walking the journey’ and am always growing, evolving and learning. I love meditation, spiritual/new age books, crystals, shamanism, flower essences and Reiki. I’m a Reiki Master in four lineages. I love being outdoors in nature and have traveled to see many ancient ruins in Mexico, South America, Egypt and Europe.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
My book is about getting yourself in the right alignment to meet the love of your life. How do you get in the right alignment? By working on your unresolved emotional issues, baggage and karma and becoming more and more whole. The more whole you are, the better the opportunity to attract people who resonate with the same vibration as you. It’s ‘like attracts like’. The law of attraction at work. The book and audiobook walk you through the process of meeting these parts and pieces of ourselves that we don’t like and allowing you the space to make peace with them and to heal. The healing is slow and you work at your own pace, however, you will be transformed.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
My book is for anyone who is tired of the dating scene, apps, and meeting random people. My book is for anyone who is frustrated with dating the same ‘types’ over and over and doesn’t know how to break the pattern. My book is for anyone who is willing to do the work on themselves to get the relationship they’ve always desired. My book is for anyone who is looking for that ‘love of their life’ and who doesn’t know how to meet that person. My book is for anyone who wants long lasting love.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Eckart Tolle – The Power of Now
Dick Sutphon – You Were Born Again To Be Together
Caroline Myss – Sacred Contracts
These authors broke spiritual ground and brought forth wisdom that was needed and necessary for shift, change and growth. I admire that!
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Write what you are passionate about.
Write what you lived and have experienced because then you are writing from a place of truth.
Write from your intuition.
Write what you feel you must WRITE!
Finally, if you feel called to write, just do it!
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
I have a website: ellanykincross.com You can contact me through my website.
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