The Keeper of Knowledge

About the Book

Killian Lorcan doesn’t want to read old scrolls. As a tixie boy of eight summers,all he wants to do is explore the
forest floor around his house,fight imaginary monsters, and scare off the occasional spider. But when Mac, the
local Keeper of Knowledge, invites Killian to see his house and read some old scrolls, Killian himself gets caught up in a story of betrayal, violence, and a civilization on the verge of collapse. More importantly, he finds out how his ancient ancestors came to live in the wilds of the forest he calls home.

Book2 of the Tixie Chronicles explores the violent beginnings of the race of the tiny creatures who inhabit the forests.

About the Author

Jack Borden lives and writes in the forests of Texas, where he lives with his wife, a few children, two somewhat useful dogs, and a garden that always needs tending. He enjoys long walks in the woods, hanging out with his family, and traveling with his family. He’s particularly fond of far West Texas and the Pacific Northwest. He would like to write more than he does.

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?

Thanks for this interview! I wrote this book and the others in this series to tell stories that were bouncing around in my head. My family and I live on beautiful rural property and these stories are more or less a micromythology of where we live. They started as stories for my kids and the morphed into a book series.

The book series is about tiny, elf-like creatures and the specific adventures of one family, and how they are caught up in saving the world – this world – from a powerful evil. Each book can stand on its own, and each one tells a piece of a larger story. I plan to have 7 total volumes in this series; as of this writing, 4 are completed and I’m writing the 5th book now.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?

I’ve had a dozen or so beta readers of all ages, from age 10 to 42. All have offered positive comments. To me, this is safe and fun (but dangerous) middle grade fantasy, for what that’s worth.

Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?

I adore Tolkien and Lewis, and I’m been reading some George MacDonald lately. I also appreciate and enjoy Ted Dekker. For non-fiction, I’ve been reading Dallas Willard lately.

Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?


Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?

I can be contacted directly at My website is I’m also on Twitter/X as @JackBordenWords and on Facebook as Jack Borden, Author.

I love interacting with readers!

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