The Loss

(The Loss and Grief series Book 1)

About the Book

Laura’s life is a delicate balance of love and loss, caught between her terminally ill husband, Julian, and his twin brother, Logan, who harbors deep feelings for her. As Julian’s health deteriorates, the three of them navigate the complexities of their unique bond, finding solace and strength in each other.

About the Author

Luisa Perez loves reading Fantasy and smut.
Her favourite authors are: CM Stunich, Tate James, TL Swan, J Bree, Steffanie Holmes, Jasmine Mas and many others.

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?

“The Loss” is set in Waterford, a city in the South East of Ireland. The story follows Laura, a doctor married to Julian, a nurse. Julian has a twin brother named Logan, with whom Laura shared a night of passion a decade ago. After enduring a traumatic experience, Laura undergoes significant changes as she struggles to cope with her PTSD, with Julian providing support during her darkest moments. Despite their deep connection, Laura chooses not to disclose to Julian that she once knew his twin brother intimately. When Julian is diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, Laura reaches out to Logan for help. The book explores themes of loss, grief, and polyamory.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?

My book contains smut, so it’s definitely for readers who like spice, but it’s also for readers who like to have their hearts shattered while reading a book.

Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?

This is a very difficult question, I have a lot of favourite authors. Of all, I would say: David Eddings, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne Rice, Tate James, TL Swan, CM Stunich, Jasmine Mas, TS Snow, Licia Troisi,

Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?

Take your time. It took me three years to finally publish a book. I work full time and I have small children, so life always will get in your way.

Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?

I’m working on a website but they can find me on the following social medias:

TikTok: @luperezauthor87

Instagram: luperezauthor

Facebook: Luisa Perez

I’m always happy to chat and exchange books recommendations.

Qn 6: What was your inspiration for writing The Loss?

As a nurse, I frequently provide palliative care, which has given me firsthand experience with the complexities and emotional weight of end-of-life care. Witnessing the different ways people approach death has deeply impacted me, and I wanted to reflect that reality in my writing. I felt it was important to incorporate these themes into the story because they offer a raw, authentic perspective on love, loss, and vulnerability. Blending the palliative care aspect with the romance genre, particularly the “why choose” trope, allowed me to explore multiple dimensions of love—romantic, familial, and even self-love—amid life’s most challenging moments. The intersection of these elements creates a narrative that’s not only emotionally compelling but also deeply human, focusing on the resilience and tenderness that can emerge, even in the face of death.

Qn 7: There are some intense plots within your book from passion to a husband with a terminal illness. How did you keep these elements moving to capture the readers’ interest?

To keep the intense plots moving and capture the readers’ interest, I focused on balancing emotion with pacing. By gradually revealing deeper layers of the characters’ struggles and passions, I aimed to create a sense of connection and empathy. The mix of heartfelt moments, difficult decisions, and moments of passion helped keep the tension high. I also tried to use each emotional peak, whether it’s dealing with grief, love, or uncertainty, as a way to build momentum, ensuring the story never felt stagnant and kept the readers emotionally invested from chapter to chapter.

Qn 8: Given that your book touches on sensitive and emotional storylines, were there any challenging moments that made writing difficult?

There were definitely some challenging moments while writing this book. Being married myself, I often found myself thinking about how I would react if I were in Laura’s situation. Like her, I know I wouldn’t give up without a fight. Writing Julian’s final chapter was especially tough for me—I cried both during the writing and editing process. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I also wanted to bring a bit of my own experience into the story, even if it was just a brief mention. It was important for me to include that part of my journey.

Qn 9: What was your favourite part of the book to write?

My favorite part of the book to write was definitely the complex relationship between Laura, Julian, and Logan, especially the moments where they’re all trying to navigate their emotions in the middle of such a heartbreaking situation. It was both challenging and rewarding to capture that tension between love, guilt, and grief. Writing the scenes where Laura starts to realize her feelings for Logan, all while dealing with Julian’s illness, felt incredibly real and emotional for me. Exploring their dynamic and how they each processed the situation—Julian’s acceptance, Laura’s denial, and Logan’s internal struggle—was something that really drew me in and made the story so personal.

Qn 10: What will you work on next?

The second and final book of *The Loss and Grief* series, titled *The Grief*, was published just last week. I don’t want to reveal too much to avoid spoilers, but I can say that Laura will finally get her well-deserved happy ending.

At the moment, I’ve started working on a new, “lighter” project—I needed a break from the intense emotions I experienced while writing Laura’s journey. As much as I miss those characters, it’s time to dive into a new story. This next book is set in the world of the mafia, with a strong, badass female lead who is sure to captivate readers.

I’m also planning to venture into fantasy soon, though I’m still deep in the research phase for that project. Additionally, there will definitely be a spin-off series tied to *The Loss and Grief* series, focusing on Rebecca, a side character introduced in *The Loss*. I’m excited to explore her story further!

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