About the Book

Don’t these boys get it? How many times must they get into trouble before they catch on? Best friends William and Thomas are back at it again with even more action and adventure. The poor community of Itchygooney isn’t safe when William has a plan. This time there’s an attack drone, a ghostly rocking chair, a slam-dunking wizard, and a UFO. Will these boys ever be stopped? Let’s hope not!
Back 4 More is the fourth book in the ongoing I Told You So series of humorous stories shared in short standalone bursts. If they were any longer you couldn’t handle it!
About the Author
Mark Gunning has been an elementary teacher since 1996, spending most of his time in the junior grades, and decided to start writing to try and reach reluctant readers with his unique style of storytelling. His hard work paid off quickly as the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) presented Mark Gunning with its 2018 Children’s Literature Award for his first book entitled I Told You So! The Adventures of William and Thomas.
Mark is married with three children and enjoys playing guitar, going to concerts, hiking in the Niagara Gorge, and watching sports. Luckily, he spent his childhood growing up in Chippawa, Ontario, which is a part of Niagara Falls. Many of his stories come from experiences or ideas he and his friends had growing up there.
Mark released Strike Three, You’re Out, the third book in his ongoing series in March of 2020. His latest book Back 4 More releases on July 1st, 2021. Rumor has it that he is also developing a new mystery series. Wait, it’s not a rumor. Keep your eyes out for a new series with William and Thomas solving some local mysteries. When it will come out is still a mystery.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
My book is the fourth in a series for middle-grade readers. Each book is a collection of short, humorous stories following the hijinks of two 10-year-old boys. William comes up with some crazy plans and his best friend Thomas goes along for the ride.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
My books are aimed at the reluctant middle-grade reader. A lot of boys enjoy the stories and I find that girls are now starting to get interested in the books since I have added a female character as well.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
I really love J. R. R. Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings series. I love the world and characters that he developed. Recently, I stumbled across a middle-grade author that writes fantasy with a sense of humour. Check out the Arestana series by Shawn P. B. Robinson.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I would tell them to not give up and follow their dreams. There will always be someone out there that will understand and get what you are writing about. Follow your passion. I did!
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I also have a website that you can view at https://www.itchygooneybooks.com/.
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