About the Book
Unleash the Primordial Power of Nature!
Imagine meeting someone who embodies the raw, mystical force of Nature itself. Marc is that someone—an ageless wanderer whose mere presence channels the primordial rhythms, gifted with dominion over animals, plant life, and elemental forces.
When Marc’s travels lead him to the grounds of an English boarding school, his mystical aura draws the covetous eyes of Dexter, a ruthlessly ambitious antagonist with a dark agenda.
Caught between the modern world and the primal universe he embodies, Marc must fully embrace his true destiny as Nature’s environmental warrior to protect the future of the very essence he personifies. With steadfast allies by his side, Marc faces an epic battle between nature’s magic and dark ambitions.
Brace for a spellbinding, serpentine adventure that fuses the fundamental powers of Nature with courage, laughter, and unbreakable bonds of friendship. Prepare for a cataclysmic climax that defies imagination and rewrites the stakes of this fight for the very soul of life as we know it.
Dive into “Nature’s Marc” today and join the battle to protect our world’s soul!

About the Author
Alan was born and raised amidst the tumultuous backdrop of racial riots and terrorist activities in London, England, Alan discovered solace and inspiration in the pages of books from a young age. Growing up in a working-class environment, he was a quiet boy whose imagination soared as he delved into the realms of literature.
At just 16, Alan embarked on a journey that would shape his eclectic career path, starting out as a telephone technician before transitioning into the dynamic world of IT. His expertise eventually led him into the realm of training, where his role took him on extensive travels across the globe.
Alan’s personal journey has been as diverse as his professional career, having lived in Africa, the Persian Gulf and currently the United States. These experiences and his interaction with people from all over the world have deeply influenced his writing style, which beautifully weaves together his passions: the enchanting English countryside with its rich history, and the captivating world of myths and legends.
Through his writing, Alan loves the idea of readers becoming immersed on a journey of discovery, which not only entertains but also opens minds, offering glimpses into worlds both real and imagined, shaped by a lifetime of exploration and storytelling.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
Nature’s Marc is about the power of Nature manifesting into physical form to combat harm to the environment. The first novel in the series introduces Marc who who is a product of nature, and how he forms a unique friendship to help him fight a dark force that is threatening to destroy everything living on Earth. He appeals because he is a very down-to-earth character who most people can relate to as he has his own strengths and weaknesses. Even though he has magical powers, these display themselves in unique ways, unlike the traditional ‘Harry Potter’ style of magic.
As the story unfolds, you find yourself swept along a roller coaster ride that twists and turns right up to the last page, enveloping you in an aura of friendship, humor, strange powers and the battle of good against evil. The relationship he forms introduces a secondary character that in some ways, is just as important as Marc as his own personality develops to bring out his strengths to help his new friend in times of crisis.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Although the book was originally aimed at the young adult age group, people of all ages are reading it much like Harry Potter, it appeals to both young and old.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Two authors stand out, The first is Patrick Robinson who wrote several books about naval-based thrillers. I love his books because he writes with great detail but spins the storyline so that you can’t wait to read what comes next.
The other author dates back to my childhood, and is Hugh Walters. He wrote a series of juvenile sci-fi books in a very easy-to-read format that, looking back on it now with everything we know about space exploration seems dated, but for a young reader just engulfed you in the story.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
In my website, I’ve created a blog which I regularly update explaining my thought processes as I describe different elements of the book. My hope is that new writers can understand my methods and develop their own versions. If I had to give one piece of advice to new writers, that would be let your mind different the story and never force it. For example, imagine yourself walking along a street and noticing that someone is following you. What would you do? What are you thinking? Do you walk faster, duck into a doorway, or perhaps confront your stalker? As your mind thinks through these different scenarios, a story develops. You may decide to walk faster and stop around the corner, Just when you think the stalker has given up, they appear around the corner right in front of you. Does your heart beat faster, What scenarios are going through your mind at that point. It could be that teh stalker suddenly produces a wallet that you’ve dropped and they are simply trying to return it. Do you feel relief?
So my advice is to put yourself into the position of your character, become one with the storyline and let your mind control the story. If you can’t think, stop and try again later. I used to wake up at night thinking about new twists to the story!
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
I created a website for the Nature’s Marc series which is naturesmarc.online
You’ll see the normal items such as a synopsis of the book, an author bio and most importanty, an ongoing blog.
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