About the Book
Have you ever liked something, but then it was suddenly taken away?
Niko and his family need to act quickly to rescue the monstera plant before it is gone forever!
Will they save it in time?
This beautifully illustrated children’s book is for little aspiring superheroes who wanted to save the plants and the environment.
Plant Rescuers is an answer to Pope Francis’ Letter to the World Laudato Si’, a call to respond to the cry of the Earth by taking care of our environment. It aims is to rescue plants and pots from landfill.
Like Crissy and Niko, we can all do our share and be proactive in taking care of our planet.
So, what are you waiting for? No time to waste, scroll up and click the buy now button!

About the Author
In producing the book, Rachel & I had to depend on each other, listening & respecting to each other’s ideas. This was not easy. I, the fully educated adult found my high school daughter had some ideas and direction which I had not perceived. I followed her suggestions because lots were better than mine. It called forth in me a new- found humility. We were both challenged and challenging. At times my co-author was brutally frank in articulating different opinions and tears flowed. But the love between us saw us through it all and with the help of the community of editors, in the end we produced a lovely book.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
In creating this Book, “Plant Rescuers” part of my Inner child came out in my adult life as I worked with my daughter who is emerging from her childhood into adulthood, something like the caterpillar turning into a butterfly, my co-author, Rachel & I walked this journey together.
I was reminded during the process of how much I loved my childhood, especially those precious times when my Mum would read me stories. It is our hope that parents will sit by their children’s beds and read Plant Rescuers giving similar joy.
Because I am in the habit of praying throughout my life’s activities, it was Matthew’s Gospel text that came to mind as I was preparing this talk “Unless you become as little children…”. Why did he tell us that? I decided to dig deeper. Was he inviting us to search for the characteristics of little children? Were some of these like being:
*Dependent. *Humble. *Loving
I think they are a good start.
In producing the book, Rachel & I had to depend on each other, listening & respecting to each other’s ideas. This was not easy. I, the fully educated adult found my high school daughter had some ideas and direction which I had not perceived. I followed her suggestions because lots were better than mine. It called forth in me a new-found humility. We were both challenged and challenging. At times my co-author was brutally frank in articulating different opinions and tears flowed. But the love between us saw us through it all and with the help of the community of editors, in the end, we produced a lovely book.
In trusting God and answering the call of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si I lived out the Vision I had set myself to better care for our Common home.
This book is more than a plant story. It offers not just for ensuring a healthy environment but also ways to sound mental health and family togetherness. Most of us set these priorities but the busyness of everyday life sees us sometimes ignoring them.
Can you let this book be an eye opener to act quickly to save our environment because in rescuing a plant we somehow rescue a soul.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Preschool children and their parents. Primary school teachers, who wanted to learn about saving the planet, living creatures, and our environment.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Julia Donaldson is our favourite, we love reading her very engaging stories. Gruffalo is our number one bedtime story.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
If you have a story to share and inspire people, write and share it to the world. Write from the heart. 🙂
We all need some inspiration to protect our environment and our planet.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
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