Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away

An Easy Workbook for Preserving the Legacy of Your Loved Ones

About the Book

Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away: An Easy Workbook for Preserving the Legacy of Your Loved Ones

This workbook was created to help family members preserve the legacy, facts and details of a single person’s life who love dearly before it’s too late.

It will happen one day; your family will have an older loved one like a grandfather or grandmother who suddenly passes away. Then after time has gone by, you’ll discover that when the younger generations of your family start asking questions about the life and times of those past cherished relatives, you and the rest of your family members won’t have the answers to questions like:

  • Where did my grandfather propose to my grandmother?
  • What was life like when my grandmother was a child?
  • What was the first movie that my grandfather saw when he was a kid?

I understand life with all its responsibilities keeps you so busy, to where you feel you don’t have the time to just slow down and come up with the important questions concerning your loved ones’ lives.
To solve this common problem, T. A. Ridge wrote a book called: Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away.

This workbook is available on Amazon as an e-book or printed book and contains over 180 questions that seamlessly lead to more questions thus providing future generations with deep personal insights of their ancestors.
Please, before those loved ones pass away, invest in a copy of (Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Awaynow. Then, you and your family members can preserve the history of their lives so your children and their children will not just know of them…but will know them very well even though they are gone now.

Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away

About the Author

I love studying U.S. History and World History. And I collect minerals and fossils. I have written a sardonic series of books called, The Chronicles of the Prairie Dog Nation, which is about a colony of intelligent, walking, talking prairie dogs that have their very own country north of Amarillo, Texas

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away, What is it about?

After many years of doing living history interviews, I noticed that many of the elderly people that I interviewed did not know the details of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives. So, one day I decided to come up with a workbook that would address this problem. After about six months of hard work, I came up with over 180 neutral and polite questions that would seamlessly lead to other questions. For those who use this workbook, future generations will not just know about the existence of their relatives from the past, they will know them well even though they never met them.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away, is it directed at any particular market?

In the thousands that I have sold to various women’s groups and church groups, the top demographic was Females who were 25 to 65 years old. Usually, the granddaughter and daughter of the elderly family member.

Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?

I love Charles Dickens. His novels, David Copperfield, Great Expectations and A Christmas Carol, have so much depth and humanity that they are so relatable.

Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?

Read and read more. Read fiction and nonfiction. And read long books that were written in another time period.

Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?

Pretty soon, I will be on Facebook and TikTok.

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