About the Book
Connie Dalton is home after twenty years in the Australian Army. The last eight as a member of the Australian Peacekeeping Force during the global atrocities that had become known as the Reprisals.
Her 182cm height and matching stature was an asset in the army. At home not so much. She could look after herself but having a protector would be welcomed.
She wanted to slow down and relax. Stop and read a lot of her favourite BBW Romances. Except that she couldn’t find any.
So she did what her army training had taught her to do. If you can’t find one…then make one.
Then she found another thing she hadn’t known she was looking for. Making her life even more perfect.

About the Author
Bronn Francis is an empty nester who lives with her husband and spoiled moggy cat in the Eastern part of the State of Victoria in Australia. When Covid 19 came and made everyone do things differently, Bronn and a couple of friends decided that they would stop being just readers and try their hands at being authors too.
One of their small group had been playing at creating a world for his stories to be located in. When Bronn asked to be allowed to use the world her friend has created, she was told to “go for it”. As long as she agreed to let the others in the group use her characters in cameo roles. Bronn agreed in a flash.
Bronn is a woman of a certain age, as they say in books. Bronn and the other group members wanted to publish as many books as possible which led to a group decision to focus on writing short stories. That way Bronn and her friends could get more stories written and published for you to read. Maybe some novellas will appear over time.
Bronn loves to read romances with a HEA so she’s sticking to writing them for a while.
When she’s not writing Bronn loves to go and photograph interesting places in the bush. Then try painting them. Some are recognisable.
If you enjoy Bronn’s stories, do please tell your friends.
If you don’t, Please tell Bronn. So she can learn from her mistakes.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
The book series is a short story romance series of 20 books. It features Plus-sized heroines who are all involved in some way with a country town bookstore.
I’m offering a FREE copy of Book 1 in the series from the author website. I’m offering the free book in return for an honest review to be posted back to the author email address shown in the email that accompanies the book download
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Readers of shorter length romance books that feature plus-sized heroines
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Books by Robyn Carr. Her characters are so real. As are the locations she uses. When I finish one f her books I feel as if her characters are friends and that I’ve actually visited the towns where they are set.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I (Bronn Francis) came to writing after I retired. Courtesy of Covid 19 arriving in Australia in 2020. I am a member of a virtual writers coffee chatroom. Over virtual coffees we talked about books One thing led to another and some of us decided to write our own stories.
One of our virtual groups had created a virtual world and offered us the opportunity to use it if we agreed to allow our characters cameo appearances in his stories. And vice versa. He also taught me and the others how to structure and write our stories. we learned heaps from him.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
My website is www.bronnfrancis.com
My email is bronn@jonarmapublishing.com.
(www.jonarmapublishing.com is the website of my writing teacher and great friend. He allows us to use his email system.)
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