The Noble Dream of Being an Artist

The Hidden Faces of Art

About the Book

Immerse yourself in an emotional and revolutionary journey through the pages of The Noble Dream of Being an Artist: The Hidden Faces of Art.
In this poignant anthology, light is shed on the stories of 50 women artists from the past through poems inspired by their lives and artistic journeys. Moreover, the book is a literary treasure housing a captivating collection of portraits and works by outstanding and talented contemporary artists, all inspired by the artists we pay tribute to. With passion and creativity in every stroke, these artists have captured the essence and strength of the protagonists, reviving their memories and building a valuable testimony to the relevance and enduring impact of female artists in culture and art.

The Noble Dream of Being an Artist: The Hidden Faces of Art is a cry of resistance, a challenge to break down the walls of invisibility, and a reflection on the importance of inclusion and equality in the world of art. This is just if people want to know more about the history of how the book was created.

About the Author

Gabriela Calderón Arias, visual artist. Completed her artistic training in 2022 and currently resides in Costa Rica.
In her daily life, Gabriela dedicates herself integrally to the art of painting, cultivating her passion for art history and undertaking an incessant search for inspiration.
She chose to explore the literary realm without a formal compendium because of her firm belief in the impact that passion and determination can have on conventional wisdom. From her perspective, bringing about change is conditioned by an unwavering desire to achieve it.
This book is a testament to the inspiration to bring about transformation in the conventional narrative of art history and equalize the exposure of men and women in the artistic realm.
Navigator among verses, weaving dreams with brushes, loyal accomplice of canine journeys.

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?

My book, ‘The Noble Dream of Being an Artist: Hidden Faces of Art’, is a truly unique work that brings together 51 talented contemporary Costa Rican artists in an unprecedented collaborative project. Each of these artists has created exclusive and original works for this literary compendium to honor and celebrate the legacy of those who came before them, through the creation of exclusive and original works for this book. Also, it is a celebration of the diversity and richness of contemporary art in Costa Rica, with the purpose of inspiring and moving readers through a visually and emotionally impactful experience.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?

The target audience encompasses a diverse range of individuals with a shared passion for art and a particular interest in themes of gender equity. This includes women, artists, art educators, art historians, and art enthusiasts alike. By featuring the works of 51 contemporary Costa Rican female artists, the book speaks directly to the experiences, perspectives, and contributions of women in the arts. Furthermore, it resonates with those who advocate for gender equality and are interested in supporting and promoting female voices within the artistic community.

Qn 3: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?

Improving writing skills is a journey that involves practice, patience, and continuous learning. I would say that to improve is important to write regularly, seek feedback, revise and edit your work, study grammar and style, expand your vocabulary, set goals, stay curious, be disciplined and be passionate about it.

Qn 4: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?

You can find more about me and my work on my Instagram profile. Feel free to reach out, ask questions, or simply connect with me there: soy_gabrielacalderon.

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