About the Book
Introducing “The Seventh Sense” by Julie Lebreton – a stirring tale of one man’s quest to unveil the true essence of life in a dystopian world where every form of human expression is taboo.
Join Diego on his journey of self-discovery and liberation, and discover the transformative power of a single individual’s audacity to embrace life’s full spectrum. Lebreton’s writing dissects the ramification of technological progress on our society and underscores the significance of emotional intelligence in our existence.
The Seventh Sense prompts the readers to contemplate a simple yet profound question: What does it truly mean to live? Will you dare to take the plunge and break free from the fetters of a regulated society, and embrace the kaleidoscopic facets of human experience?
In a perfect world where living forever is standard, one man must decide if the rules are worth following.
The Seventh Sense is a thought-provoking, captivating novel that probes the themes of freedom, human consciousness, and emotional intelligence through a prism of neurodiversity. Secure your copy of “The Seventh Sense” today and savor the magic of Lebreton’s prose.

About the Author
As a 23-year-old self-published author, I’ve had my fair share of doubts and insecurities. But despite my imposter syndrome, I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel is now available in both Kindle and paperback on Amazon! I poured my heart and soul into this project, and I truly believe that it’s worth your time and investment. To prove it, I’m happy to share the prologue with anyone who’s interested. Let’s connect and talk about the power of following your dreams, even when they seem daunting or impossible. I’m excited to share my journey with you!
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
Do you ever wonder what life would be like in a world without emotions? In a society where feeling anything other than numbness is forbidden? That’s the world Diego lives in. Follow his journey in our upcoming novel, “The Seventh Sense”.
Set in a dystopian city where emotions are genetically engineered out of the population, “The Seventh Sense” explores the themes of control, freedom, and the importance of emotions in our lives.
In this city, everything runs like clockwork. Technology has advanced to the point where biological immortality is now a reality. Yet, this utopia comes at a cost. The model citizen must abide by four rules:
001 Do not question.
002 Do not Feel.
003 Do not produce or consume Art.
004 Stay within The City’s secure borders.
Diego is a young man on a quest to uncover the truth about his past and the city he calls home. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the city, he begins to question the very nature of humanity and the true meaning of emotions.
Will Diego be able to find a way to restore feelings to the city or will he be doomed to live a life without them? Find out in “The Seventh Sense”.
This thought-provoking novel will have you questioning what it truly means to be human and the importance of emotions in our lives. Join the conversation on the meaning of life, love and emotions.
Let’s imagine for a moment living in a world without emotions. No joy, no love, no sadness, no anger. Would life still be worth living? Or would it be a meaningless existence?
Through Diego’s journey, we explore the importance of emotions in our lives and how they shape who we are as human beings. We all have a seventh sense, a sense of emotion, that is a vital part of our humanity.
“The Seventh Sense” is a story about those who dare to dream of a better future and those who will stop at nothing to keep the status quo. It is a story about the power of emotions and the human spirit and the lengths that we will go to in order to reclaim them.
Join us in the fight for emotional freedom in “The Seventh Sense”. Let’s explore the depths of our humanity together.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Writing a book is no easy feat. It takes dedication, commitment, and a lot of late nights – and tears. But let me tell you, the journey is worth it. For me, writing “The Seventh Sense” was a 7 month long adventure that taught me so much about myself. It was like a year-long therapy session, but instead of talking to a therapist, I poured my heart and soul into the pages of my book.
I’m excited to share that journey with you. “The Seventh Sense” is a book that will resonate with those who enjoyed reading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, or “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury.
If you’ve ever felt lost or had too many feelings, my book may resonate with you. It’s a short novel that will take you on a journey of self-discovery.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
GIOVANNNI’S ROOM BY BALDWIN !!! Baldwin’s novella Giovanni’s Room is David’s jumbled recalling of the chain of events that make up his existence – and led to Giovanni’s death. Giovanni’s Room is one of the few books that best exemplifies the verb ‘unfolds’: David’s narrative generally follows a linear pattern, but occasionally he will narrate events out of order; “I saw Jacques, as a matter of fact, just after Giovanni was sentenced” (3). The question is how it took place. Baldwin paints his narrator and protagonist – David – as an American in his mid-twenties living in Paris under a heterosexual mask. Giovanni’s Room is about more than David’s attempt at saving his conscience as Baldwin writes authentic and credible characters whose relationships express universal struggles with identity. David “was intent on proving to them and to [himself], that [he] was not of their company” (3). In chapter two, Baldwin explores power dynamics in relationships and how they foster growth as David begins to release control of this manufactured identity based on a web of lies whilst acting against everything he stands for.
Through this non-linear narration, David/Baldwin takes us through a journey inward. In chapter two of Giovanni’s Room, Baldwin develops David’s identity and we get a peak into the beginning of the end as he starts to uncover the layers of his true self and repressed sexuality from a later perspective. His voice and Baldwin’s intertwine throughout the prose, with the key idea being that David’s quest for self-awareness extends even to the narration of the narrative. He is attempting to identify himself by attempting to recount his life honestly. Has David acknowledged that he is homosexual on the book’s final page? Throughout the chapter, David starts to shed some of his beliefs and the recollection of this forbidden love story seems to serve a cathartic purpose for David – and Baldwin, who is pulling the strings – who discovers parts of himself through this jumbled narration of events. The characters Baldwin serves us with elegantly mimic real relationships and the narrative choices serve the purpose of highlighting the importance of relationships and self-reflection as tools for self-improvement. We are left to wonder how our relationships shape us and what lies we might be telling ourselves, how they shape our reality, and possibly hold us back from being Ourselves.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Well, first of all, I would tell them to write as much as possible. And when they think they’ve written enough, write some more! It’s like exercising, but for your brain muscles. And just like with exercise, it’s important to stretch yourself (not literally, unless you’re into yoga). Try different genres, experiment with different styles, and challenge yourself to write outside your comfort zone. And remember, editing is your friend. As Hemingway once said, “the first draft of anything is garbage,” so don’t be afraid to rewrite, refine, and polish your work until it shines like a diamond in a goat’s butt. And most importantly, have fun with it! Writing should be a joy, not a chore. Unless you’re getting paid, in which case it’s a job, and you should treat it as such.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Well, dear readers, you can find me lurking in the depths of the internet, ready to pounce on any opportunity to talk about writing and share my awkward jokes. You can stalk me on Instagram at @julielebreton and @theseventhsense1618 for some glimpses into my daily life, or check out my website julielebreton.com for more information about my writing and upcoming projects. And if you’re feeling brave and want to be a guest on my podcast, just shoot me a message – I’m always looking for new voices to chat with! So don’t be shy, come say hi!
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