About the Book
One of my editors told me the book is extremely unique and my other editor said it was such a welcome alternative to all the nihilism of the people that surround her.
I could never have imagined the connections between ideas that evolved.
There is so much I learned and this has changed me deeply forever.
To the best of my abilities, I have tried to incorporate what I have discovered and attempted to describe the magnificence of love and creativity.
I don’t know and I am intrigued about where evolution takes humankind, especially because scientists tell us we use such a small percentage of our brains and the spiritual experience is so truncated and muted for most people.
But right now, we need as individuals and as a culture to love and to create more. It is the ‘operating system’ that we as an individual and society as a whole need.
Loving and creativity are fundamental and the building blocks to finding purpose and meaning in life. On that I am resolute.
My book is an exploration of the profoundness and nuances of love and creation and why they are so vital.
Almost all of us mouth the words I love you several times a day to our partner, children and parents. It is not that we don’t mean it or feel love for those people, it is more we don’t explore love and it becomes static–condensed in our private little world.
We unconsciously minimize love by thinking of it as an emotion, or the opposite of hate or saying we love a particular TV show, type of food, article of clothing or sports team.
I hope everyone after reading my book re-evaluates their concepts of love and creativity and reveres them more. But I also would like it if every reader contemplates deeply how love and creativity can be the key to instilling purpose and meaning in their lives.
I also know that life is not all rainbows and chocolate and I have tried to confront why we all face gut-wrenching tragedies and complex paradoxes in our lives.

About the Author
I am grateful for my life and some of the hard lessons I have been taught. They have made me a better person.
I was born the son of a minister in Dawson Creek B.C which is in northern Canada. Consequently, I was exposed to religion, hockey, and cold weather at an early age.
We moved to Vancouver B.C. and my hockey career ended prematurely as my parents refused to get up at 4 am to take me to practice. I grew up in the tough east end of Vancouver which was not fun since as a minister’s son I got picked on. There I played on a city championship soccer team and seemingly half of the team ended up as policemen and the other half in jail.
I attended the University of British Columbia and got a business degree and learned about politics in student government that were as the saying goes so bitter because so little was at stake.
I went on to work as an airport manager, business consultant, founder of a tech company, member of the board of governors of a university, and a policy advisor to federal cabinet members for science, technology, and transportation.
Those experiences included both successes and failures, and provided me with insight into how many elements in our society work or do not work, including business, education, religion, government, politics, transportation, technology, and marketing.
I built my character, toughness and empathy while trying to cultivate kindness toward others.
I question and analyze.
I will forcibly defend my opinions, but I will change in the face of contrary evidence.
After seeing my father die of stomach cancer, I quickly gave up the burgers I enjoyed and became a vegetarian.
I live in Vancouver B.C. and I am a health nut who intermittently fasts every day, is always looking for the newest nutritional super supplement and enjoys stand-up comedy.
I am a skeptical optimist that values the micro-moments of connections with others.
like the person, I have become and that is a foundation and a catalyst for me to want to help people.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
What is the purpose of life? Why are we here on this tiny planet amidst the immense vastness of the Universe? Can our lives have significance and meaning?
I looked to the Universe, quantum physics, philosophers, religious leaders, artists, actors, writers, scientists and some seemingly everyday people with extraordinary insights.
Digging below the surface, illuminating consensuses and insights emerged even from the dourest of philosophers and scientists.
I crafted this book to challenge a great deal of conventional thinking about what we think about life, love, creativity, and tragedy but also to ultimately get answers to the questions of the purpose and meaning of life for myself. With the goal that I could then take the answers and incorporate them into my day-to-day life to feel more fulfilled and be a better person. And conversely not lay awake worrying about life rushing past me and dying unfulfilled.
For me, this book did that. Did it solve all my problems? Absolutely not, but like paradoxes I can accept and embrace my problems as I work through them with love and creativity. And I sleep better at night.
We, all of us, have a need to create and to love. We suffer if we don’t love and create and so does the Universe. The more we create and love the more we have purpose and the more our lives have meaning.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Individuals that are genuinely searching for answers to the primal questions of why we are here and what is the purpose of life.
People that are open and circumspect and are prepared to begin a journey of discovery.
I think it will really challenge anyone to think about the purpose of life and specifically the purpose of their own life in new ways that are useful, positive and hopeful, while also addressing the inevitable tragedies and paradoxes we all face.
Qn 3: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Answer the inspiration when you receive it. Many times, I would wake up at 3 am or so and have an idea. I would dutifully get up and turn the computer on and write it down only to go back to get and get up right away again. The Universe will give you inspiration, but not necessarily at the most convenient times. Inspiration is there but the Universe makes sure you really want to capture it.
Qn 4: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
https://twitter.com/tolovetocreate and website coming soon: https://THEPURPOSEOFLIFETOLOVEANDTOCREATE.COM
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