About the Book

Beautiful and curvaceous beyond compare, Ahrahyah lives in gilded bondage as the favorite concubine of the Sultan of Fahrahshan. Having provoked the ire of the Sultan’s wife after years of indulging his lust, Ahrahyah seeks out the Sultan’s oldest son, Prince Faydeddin. Through seduction, she hopes to gain his protection, acting purely on desire regardless of consequence. Ahrahyah soon discovers that the handsome prince knows more of her origins than even she was aware.
The stunning Ahrahyah is the half-blood daughter of the Djinn, demonic and powerful entities born from the lusty dreams of mortals. Bound to the will of Faydeddin by an arcane form of slavery, Ahrahyah journeys to seek a long-lost treasure for the prince. She must recover the crown of Shahvirahz—the most fearsome
wizard-king in the history of Fahrahshan—before she can claim the destiny that awaits her.
About the Author
An avid reader of sword-and-sorcery stories with an erotic twist, M. T. White is a consummate armchair historian with a particular interest in the Middle East, Europe, India, and East Asia. The author is also a mythology enthusiast with a love for the folklore of all kinds, from the myths of the ancient Egyptians to tales of the Arabian Nights and everything in between.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
Ahrahyah and the Crown of Fahrahshan is an erotic fantasy novel and the first in a series concerning the adventures and exploits of Ahrahyah, a voluptuous young woman raised to be a concubine of the Shah of the vast desert empire of Fahrahshan until circumstances reveal that she is in fact the orphaned daughter of an evil wizard and a powerful djinni. I had always wanted to write a fantasy story centered on the kind of character who is typically the villain in such books, as I often found myself far more interested in villains than heroes when I was younger. This book serves as a sort of origin story detailing how she arose from being the concubine of a Shah to become the lusty and fearsome djinni-goddess she will appear as in future books.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
The target demographic for this book is most likely to be women of 25 years or older, although I believe it has the potential to appeal to wider audiences, and anyone looking for a crossover of sword-and-sorcery classics and erotic works, all set in a mystical realm evocative of The Arabian Nights.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Oh, there are so many… I definitely have a particular affection for the sword-and-sorcery works of authors such as Robert E Howard and Michael Moorcock (the creators of Conan the Barbarian and Elric of Melnibone, respectively). I always enjoyed that kind of fantasy more than the usual favorites such as Tolkein, Lewis, etc. I think the influence of the likes of Howard and Moorcock can be seen clearly in my work, as I share my love of taking inspiration from history with Howard and my fondness for writing complex anti-heroes with Moorcock. The works of Anne Rice were also a tremendous influence on me, in both the supernatural and especially the erotic aspects of my writing. I always loved reading the struggles that Rice’s characters would endure when attempting to reconcile their humanity with the monsters they had become. I would say that those three, combined with my own love of the history and folklore of the Middle East, played the most significant role in shaping my work.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I would say that the most important thing is persistence. Even if you are fortunate enough to be blessed with the ability to write thousands of words a day, writing a book is still an arduous task and can seem very daunting upon a first attempt. Finding that inner strength to push yourself to see your project through to the end can sometimes be the most difficult aspect of writing. That is also why I think it is important to write something that you are passionate about. Even if you can write a five hundred page novel about characters and a story that you find uninspiring, it won’t be any good unless you genuinely care about what you are writing. Lastly, I think it is very important to think critically about your book while you are writing. Who are these characters, what are they doing? What are their motivations? These are the kind of questions your audience will be asking themselves as they are reading your book, so you should have the answers for yourself before you finish your work and it is available for other people to enjoy.
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