About the Book

There is no magic bullet to make the coronavirus go away, to restore the global economy, and live like 2020 never happened. World leaders and everyone else have begun to realize the road back will be long, hard, and challenging, as the ripple effects of the pandemic have hit virtually every industry and will reverberate for years to come. The Corona Crash explores the fallout from a virus that could not have come at a worse time – right as society is progressing toward a tech-dominated world where man is displaced by machine. Artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and robotics have already put strains on the global labor market, and the pandemic has added a new dynamic. Written in a hard-hitting style, this book explores how we can cope with our new reality while providing a telescopic view of a future where technology impacts our lives in every imaginable way. Get answers about the pandemic, the toll it has taken on the world, and how we can use it as an impetus to change our priorities and collective future.
About the Author
About the Author
In 2014, I attended the “London Academy of Trading” to learn about financial and derivatives trading and after completion of the study curriculum and passing the exams, I was awarded a Diploma in Derivatives Trading.
Financial trading interested me intensively and I decided to change my career from maritime and shipping to FinTech (Financial Technology) and shift my business base from Antwerp to London.
Following in 2017, I decided to start writing articles on the subject of FinTech, Digital Disruption and even Brexit. My primary online publishing channel was “The Market Mogul” which in the meantime is transforming to “Mogul News”. By 2018, I had published 14 articles and each of the articles would be read around 3.000 times on average, with the grand total of 35.500 reads within a period of 2 years. In the summer of 2018, I reached rank #1 on “The Market Mogul” which gave me the impetus to keep on writing as well as the idea to write a book. During the time that “The Market Mogul” was transforming to “Mogul News”, I was invited to write for “BBN Times” in France and “De Geldpers” in the Netherlands for their English online channel “FinInterest”.
As an established author based in London, I have had the honor to be selected as one of the contributing authors of the bestsellers “The WealthTech Book”, “The PayTech Book”, the “A.I. Book” (Artificial Intelligence) and the “LegalTech Book” of the “FinTech” series by Ms. Susanne Chishti, which are published by Wiley and are available on Amazon and Bookshelf (VitalSource). These books are crowd-sourced and comprise a wide variety of topics by independent authors who are selected after submitting 300 word abstracts. Each book features approx. 170 contributors which have been carefully selected by the editors and judging panel for inclusion in the FinTech series books.
In my professional capacity, I am founder and CEO of MoneyDrome X which is a digital assets investment platform powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning, analytics, blockchain and digital currencies.
Currently, I am pursuing FinTech, Decentralized Finance, Tokenization, Blockchain, Crypto, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Humane Technology, Conscious Capitalism, and Digital Disruption which will profoundly impact the global economy as well as our personal lives.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
There is no magic bullet to make the coronavirus go away, to restore the global economy, and live like 2020 never happened.
World leaders and everyone else have begun to realize the road back will be long, hard, and challenging, as the ripple effects of the pandemic have hit virtually every industry and will reverberate for years to come.
The Corona Crash explores the fallout from a virus that could not have come at a worse time – right as society is progressing toward a tech-dominated world where man is displaced by machine. Artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and robotics have already put strains on the global labor market, and the pandemic has added a new dynamic.
Written in a hard-hitting style, this book explores how we can cope with our new reality while providing a telescopic view of a future where technology impacts our lives in every imaginable way.
Get answers about the pandemic, the toll it has taken on the world, and how we can use it as an impetus to change our priorities and collective future.
This book contains many nuggets of wisdom, distilled to its essence, delivered in bite-size chapters that are easy to read and understand. It’s not an easy quick-fix, it will just give you the needed information, mental tools and positive mind-set to thrive in this new reality.
The thoughts and ideas outlined in this book might not change the world, but it will definitely change your perception and priorities in life.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
My target audience is primarily millennials and everyone that has been affected by the economic fallout (basically the whole world) resulting in reduced income, unemployment, and poverty. The demographic is the English-speaking part of the world, in particular the US and UK.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
That’s tricky one, there are so many, but the following 3 are my favorites:
1 – Atomic Habits – James Clear – one of my all time favourites
2 – Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman – we just need a lot more of it in this world
3 – How to Stop Worrying and Start Living – Dale Carnegie – the title says it all!
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Get started !
Think of a good catchy title and add 10 Chapters, create your outline
Start writing every day, at least a page or 1000 words and before you know it you have a book
Do you homework, research everything, you want your book to be relevant in 10 years time
Whatever you don’t know, get help or ask someone who might now
When your book is about to be published, start with relentless PR, marketing and promotion
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
WordPress blog – jerryfloros.com
Twitter – @jerryfloros
Facebook (Author page) – https://www.facebook.com/Eleftherios-Jerry-Floros-author-101670388508694
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