Can they face their demons and find love?
Trent Jacobs had everything he wanted in life until the flash of a muzzle ripped his world apart. Now he only has guilt. Permanently removed from fieldwork due to questionable events, Trent retires from the FBI. He retreats to the small town of Mill Creek, Idaho, to become the town sheriff.
Margaret King knows what it’s like to be alone and isolated. Losing her parents as a child was impossible, but the death of her brother damn near killed her. When a strange van appears on her street and her apartment is broken into, she turns to Trent, the only man she knows she can trust.
After Maggie shows up terrified and haunted, Trent’s guilt explodes. She makes him want things he doesn’t deserve, including her. As their past collides with the present, Trent is forced to face his demons to protect her. Or risk losing her.
Book Information:
Trent’s Redemption
Mill Creek Mystique, Book One
By Bailey Thomas
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Release Date: September 10, 2021
ISBN: 9781771559737
Pages: 181
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Website: http://www.baileythomasauthor.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bailey_Author
Instagram: https://instagram.com/Author_BaileyThomas
BookBuzz: http://bookbuzz.net/romantic-suspense-trents-redemption-by-bailey-thomas/
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