About the Book

Bre gets angry when her father breaks his promise and refuses to play with her. But Bre’s mom tells her that she has another father named Jesus – and he’s the best father ever.
He’s always there, always ready to listen, and he’ll never stop loving her – even when she’s made a mistake! So Bre goes to heaven to meet him… and this book will tell you what happened there!
This delightful children’s book – complete with prayers and bonus activities – will bring your entire family closer to Jesus and help your son or daughter discover the true meaning of unconditional love.
About the Author
Bre Brown currently serves as the Youth Minister of Watchman Ministries, alongside her Husband Eric Smith, located in Fredericksburg, VA. She has been regarded, as the “prophetic voice for the next generation.” She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Louisville and currently possesses her Qualified Mental Health Professional registration in the State of Virginia. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Non-Profit Studies from the University of Richmond. She plans on using her degree to help her build her own organization, that will be focused on equipping and activating teens into purpose through education and mentorship.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
The entire series is based on my personal experiences growing up mixed in with a bit of fiction. This particular book within the series is about the relationship between the main character (Little Bre) and her father. Little Bre she wishes he would be there for her. Honestly, she just wishes that he would spend time with her, but he ends up canceling the plans he had made with her. When she finds out about this she ends up crying. Thus, in an effort to calm her daughter down and comfort her. Little Bre’s mother ends up telling her daughter about having another father about Jesus who will always be there for her and love her unconditionally. This sets Little Bre out on a quest to meet Jesus and build a relationship with him. This is a relationship that is maintained throughout the entire series.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
This is a Christian Children’s book for ages 4-10 years old. I believe parents, teachers, daycare providers, children’s hospitals, ministries, schools, libraries, mentors, sport coaches, youth life coaches, youth ministers, social workers, child welfare workers could really benefit and glean insight from this book.
The purpose and the goal behind this book are to truly create healing among children and families. But also to begin to have these open dialogues early with children and present it in a way where there is honest and open transparency between the child and the adult. This book also helps with how to respond to the tough questions that children often seek answers too.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Wow! This is a hard one. There are so many good books, I can’t just narrow them down to a few. I’m really into a lot of self-help books or books on improving oneself. Two books I’m reading currently are Leader shift by John C. Maxwell and the Power of Character by Dr. Myles Munroe. Both are incredible leaders in their own right. I love books that force me to think and help me to evolve whether it be emotionally, spiritually, mentally, intellectually. Or books that challenge the way I do business and look at my finances. Lastly, I find myself reading a lot of books on positive youth development, mentorship, adverse childhood experiences, etc. to help me better understand how to better serve the youth that I work with.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I definitely say do not be afraid to read expert books on writing and attend workshops on becoming a better writer. Also, be willing to allow yourself to be vulnerable and put yourself out to critiques done and reviews are written so that you know what you need to work on going forward.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
I just currently have my one website which is www.bresheavenlyadventures.com but feel free to follow me on my social media pages:
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