About the Book

Great for early readers and English language learners, “Mr Shipman’s Kindergarten Chronicles: ABC”, is a delightful presentation of the alphabet. Your child will enjoy the pictures and the learning.
About the Author
Dr Terance Shipman is a 28-year veteran teacher. He spent much of his teaching career working with elementary-aged students. In fact, he spent his first 11 years teaching kindergarten! He is proud to say that he built strong relationships over those years and has an incredible network of his students and their parents and co-workers that he has remained in contact with over these years. Dr Shipman calls this ever-developing network “Team Shipman”. Through Team Shipman, Dr Shipman offers continual encouragement, leadership, and mentorship to his students, their families, and his professional peers. Dr Shipman currently teaches middle school and extends membership to Team Shipman to his current students and their families, as well. Mr Shipman’s Kindergarten Chronicles are the stories of teaching kindergarten that make Dr Shipman smile the most when he thinks about his years teaching kindergarten. Each book in the series celebrates the male teacher, in particular the black male teacher. Acknowledging the under-representation of black men in education, Mr Shipman presents a positive and strong black male image that children need. Through his first series of books, Dr Shipman’s Kindergarten Chronicles, Dr Shipman hopes to make kindergarten an exciting and anticipated adventure for students, parents, and teachers, while casting an even wider net for Team Shipman. Dr Shipman received his Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Tuskegee University in 1992. After obtaining this degree, he attended Hampton University in Virginia and obtain a Master’s degree in Elementary Education in 1994. For the next 13 years, Dr Shipman was an elementary teacher in Atlanta Public School System. Most of his time at APS was spent as a kindergarten teacher, and in 2009 he earned his Educational Specialist degree from the University of West Georgia in Administration Supervision and soon after he completes his doctoral degree at Clark Atlanta University in 2013. Since completing his final degree, Dr Shipman has worked with middle school and high school-aged students. And through it, all Team Shipman is still growing!
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
Mr Shipman’s Kindergarten Chronicles: ABC is the 4th book in the series. This book is Mr. Shipman’s version of the alphabet. Mr Shipman’s Kindergarten Chronicles is one of the best multicultural book series for children. I used these words and pictures when I taught kindergarten. The book will become a new classic.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
The interest will be directed toward Pre-K and kindergarten students. Parents can use it as early a two years old. I have been reading the book to my grandson who is two.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
I enjoy reading the Bible. I also loved reading The Harry Potter series with my students. We had a Harry Potter Book/Movie club for six graders. I also love reading about history, but practically Black history.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I also ask people if they want to just get a book published or get into the book business? It’s fairly easy to publish a book, but to seriously make it into a business takes hard work and dedication.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Facebook: Terance Shipman, Team Shipman, The Real PTA and Team Shipman Publishing
Instagram: Terance Shipman
Twitter: @TeranceShipman
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