The REI Remodel Guidebook: A Simple Step-By-Step Process to Save Time and Money While Remodelling Investment Properties

About the Book

The REI Remodel Guidebook: A Simple Step-By-Step Process to Save Time and Money While Remodelling Investment Properties

Ever heard, “You make your money when you buy your investment property”?

It’s true.

But as seasoned investors know, you also risk losing your money in a remodel.

To save time and cash, you need a step-by-step plan to manage and complete your remodel efficiently.

The REI Remodel Guidebook is it.

If you are an investor that is:

frustrated with unreliable contractors,
new to remodelling,
needing better control over budgets and schedules,
… then get ready to transfer distressed properties into highly profitable investments.
The REI Remodel Process found in The REI Remodel Guidebook is your proven path to optimizing your remodelling process and putting more money in your pockets and time on your schedule.

Are you ready to start profitable remodelling like a pro?

The REI Remodel Guidebook

About the Author

DC Cayce is an REI Remodel Specialist, Advisor, Investor, and Licensed Contractor who has completed hundreds of investment projects. He trains real estate investors how to manage their remodels efficiently using The REI Remodel Process he developed to save time and money on his own projects. He is co-host of The REI Journey and REI Remodel Podcasts with his wife and business partner, Ashton, who is an interior designer and realtor.

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, The REI Remodel Guidebook, What is it about?

This book helps real estate investors manage their projects while keeping more money in their pockets and time on their schedules.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, The REI Remodel Guidebook, is it directed at any particular market?

It is directed towards real estate investors.

Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?

I actually love to read autobiographies from authors writing their own stories. I also love reading the Bible with its timeless advice and stories.

Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?

The advice I would give is to keep moving forward. Write consistently, as often as you can.

Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?

Yes, you can visit my website at or Instagram @reiremodel to find out more about me.

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