About the Author
Tracy Lyall enjoys long walks along a dark and deserted beach, baby kittens, Jew boys, fire escapes in dark alleys, and coffee…
They had to force her out of her mother’s womb with drugs ’cause she was about to enter the toxic hell of Houston. Raised by a stock car driver, accountant, grandmaster Mason, Nana, and her love- Meemaw. Pushed out into the world by 17, she managed to survive, publish, paint, collegiate herself, spawn, raise hell, travel, and perform. She spends her time thrift shopping, training her cats, raising grown kids, painting, and writing….
Authors Books:
Long Halls of Neon A woman returns to the swampy oil-driven city of birth after having a miscarriage, to aid her dying grandmother, avoid her delusional father, and discover more than family secrets. | Buy Book |
Antidote Memoir noir of midlife mayhem – dating, job-hunting, friends dying and finding new friends while raising two babies. | Buy Book |
Ventura Midlife search for the psychic twin of a dead high school boyfriend, who’d left home and become a travelling musician. | Buy Book |
God was the Experiment gone wrong From an experiment with emotion, oil elite manipulation, paedophiles, crazy neighbours, and dead high school boyfriends – musings and rants from Houston to portland and back again | Buy Book |
Sunnyside Down Death, rebirth, astral enlightenment, industry, pollution, facing fear, letting go, crusty punks in motels, annoying art girls, country highways, headlights in the swampy night, warm waters, silence, madness, and fighting an invisible enemy. (Where are the alligators? I need to dump a body.) | Buy Book |
They are Trying to Steal my Babies Prose and poetry from the fringe, the apocalypse, and back again. | Buy Book |
Wanda Poetry dedicated to my late grandmother, a southern native, WW11 ‘Betty”, a chain-smoking rebel. | Buy Book |
Toxic Kitchen Writings from the toxic kitchen of east Houston – babies, friends, art, and dying relatives… salty but sweet | Buy Book |
Atomic Swamp Writing from the swampy streets of Houston – and then some, Austin to D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco and back again – maybe someone will marry me one day | Buy Book |
Debra gets a frog It’s all fun and games until someone puts an eye out, or gets pregnant, or has a friend/street aunt going through menopause – after dropping out of life first, of course. | Buy Book |
By the Fireside A short story collection of the absurd – from stalkers to dead babies, incest love to a failed romance | Buy Book |
Author Interview
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
I have several books available. A couple of the books are prose/poetry collections, one is a short story collection, 2 are creative non-fiction memoir style, and one is a novella in a series I am still working on.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
As for the target market – adults, a bit on the alternative side. I tend to touch on raw and edgy subjects with underlying humour. Some people catch it, others don’t.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Dean Koontz is an amazing mystery writer who I’ve admired since a child. I spent high school reading the Beat poets and Henry Miller. Currently, I tend to obsess over literary finds like Larry McMurtry, Chuck Palanuik, Matthew Quick, and the infamous Joyce Carol Oates.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Stay positive, take classes, courses, speak to other authors and never stop believing.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Website also sells art. Along with my personal website, I am starting up another online Literary Magazine, Locust Candy, which will be posted on Duotrope and accepting other authors soon.
Personal Website: http://tracy-lyall.portfoliobox.me/
Online Literary Site, Locust Candy – http://locustcandy.com
Blogs – https://tracy-lyall.blogspot.com
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