About the Book
“You want me to what?!” I asked God. As the minister at the front of the church talked about how God speaks to people, I could clearly hear God telling me what He had planned. He told me to listen and follow His guidance in all matters of life and then to write a book. God’s Whispers: Your Anchor Through Life’s Storms is the manifestation of my dialogue with God. Everyone experiences tough times in life — from the loss of loved ones to challenges with work to issues with health. With these challenges can come doubt — in ourselves, in our relationships, and in our faith in God. During trying times, we want answers. On my journey, God spoke to me, not only through His voice, but through the Bible, other books, songs, license plates, nature, and people.

About the Author
Christine Nekas-Thoma, a native and resident of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, graduated from the
University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in English Education (6-12) and obtained a MA
degree in Writing from Northeastern University in Boston. Since 1996, she has been teaching
high school English and now also teaches advanced writing for students through UW-Green Bay.
In her spare time, Christine enjoys spending time with family, finding inspiration in nature, and
playing and coaching basketball, tennis, and piano. Christine is married to Phil and has two sons,
Beckett and Gavin. You can follow Christine on her website at https://christinenekasthoma.com
or her Facebook author page at https://www.facebook.com/christinenekasthoma
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