About the Book, Hiding in Plain Sight: My Life and Adventures Protecting Celebrities
Hiding in Plain Sight: My Life and Adventures Protecting Celebrities -Thomas LeBrun—security expert with experience protecting Bill Gates, Elton John, Whitney Houston, and more—tells all in his memoir.
With martial arts, high-stakes security tasks, big names in the celebrity and business world, Thomas LeBrun should be a household name. But, instead, he could be the man standing next to you, and you’ve never known. Thomas tells all in his unforgettable memoir, a master of blending in entrusted with protecting entertainers and corporate leaders over a 40-year career.

About the Author
Thomas lives in the Northeast, and when he’s not writing or reading, he is working out. He’s also an academic studying Anti-Terrorist subject matter, Maritime Security, and has taken extensive Executive Protection courses. His memoir discusses his life and career as a protector of influential people and all things related to martial arts, the Executive Protection industry, and his unique journey.
His illustrious career spans three decades and forty-five countries. Within that time, he’s had plenty of adventures, incredible encounters, and challenging jobs. For more than forty years, he’s worked to improve his protection intelligence skills and has trained extensively in defensive arts in his physical world.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, Hiding in Plain Sight: My Life and Adventures Protecting Celebrities, What is it about?
Thomas LeBrun—security expert with experience protecting Bill Gates, Elton John, Whitney Houston, and more—tells all in his memoir.
The boy who wanted to be Superman grew up to be something better; a man of muscle and bone, grit and determination who worked hard to live the life he dreamed of.
This heart-pounding, fast-paced story might read like fiction, but it’s one man’s accurate account of living, protecting the influential, and training for greatness. Learn the ins and outs of the security detail, business, and martial arts in a way you’ve never seen before!
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, Hiding in Plain Sight: My Life and Adventures Protecting Celebrities is it directed at any particular market?
All ages and all genders will enjoy the book as it has many layers and storylines. Its inspiring and motivational while at times on a very personal level
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
I like most Barry Eisler, Tom Clancy, Kyle Mills, and Eric Van Lustbader books as they know how to tell a story. Most have page-turner-type books. They do their research on locations and current events. One would almost say that it reads like non-fiction.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
The program that I have been successful with is Grammarly Premium. It helps me be a better writer by offering suggestions on sentence structure and correct punctuation on all levels.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Qn 6: Can you tell us about some on the people who have been protected by your services?
As named, I have worked with artists such as Whitney Houston, Elton John, Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block, and corporate individuals such as Bill Gates. Plus many others.
Qn 7: What was the most exciting, strange or unusual experience with a client?
My trip to Africa in 1994 was one of the most life-changing experiences that many of us had undertaken.
Qn 8: Have there ever been any scenarios that have been dangerous or life-threatening?
The trip mentioned in #7 posed the most risks to all parties on tour, and that it did not seem like we slept for the entire time there.
Qn 9: Who was the easiest client to work with?
None of my clients have been easy projects; they all had risks, associated with fame, the business that they were involved with, and or high-net-worth figures that needed safe passage and peace of mind.
Qn 10: What do you plan to do next?
As I have not retired just yet there will be new projects that my years of experience and depth in the Close protection industry will need my expertise.
Hiding in Plain Sight: My Life and Adventures Protecting Celebrities
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