Book-Boost Author Interview

Pirates, Scoundrels, and Saints: PARAISO: Book One by Timothy Acker

Pirates are still out there, flintlock pistols and schooners traded for assault rifles and black-painted Zodiacs.

Based on his experience as an international lawyer and pilot, Timothy Grant Acker tells a riveting tale of modern-day pirates in the unpredictable waters of the Caribbean.

The statute of limitations has run, so the story can be told. […]

Book-Boost Author Interview

Understanding the Matrix within Internal Earth by Rena Price

Have you ever felt as though your life is not complete? Do you feel as though something deep inside of you has been longing to just feel alive and understood? Have you felt as though even though your life is going well deep down inside of you something just wants more and that feeling or thirst never subsides? Well I will fulfil that thirst by allowing you to understand yourself on a level that lives within itself. “UNDERSTANDING THE MATRIX WITHIN INTERNAL EARTH”. You will uncover that hidden feeling that you know is there but once the external world calls you back as its existence you forget about your very own desire once again being fed its own understanding to feel complete… […]