About the Book
This book follows the journey of a young girl who experiences bullying at her school and overcomes it by re-building her self-esteem. The story sheds light on the purity and innocence that all young boys and girls are born with until they enter an environment that slowly dims their light. The narrative explores the resiliency of children when they are faced with life’s challenges. The book also exposes the effects of bullying at a young age, the influence of public opinion and the negative psychological impact.

About the Author
Nicole Marshall is an up-and-coming author and in a writing journey fueled by memories of childhood experiences, Nicole writes relatable and educative content intending to impart the young ones with positive values, lessons of self-love and positive affirmations from an early age.
In an authorship journey that spans over a few years now, Nicole has several titles under her name, most notably her debut title Little Nikki Her Journey to Self-Love. In this intriguing and exciting read for children, Nicole artistically takes children through a motivational story about Little Nikki and her bullying experiences at school. She highlights its psychological impact and the resilience children develop to counter such. More importantly, the book helps children accept and appreciate their differences, embrace, and develop self-love and confidence. Other titles by Nicole include Ebony and Her Crown and The Last Room.
Currently, Nicole lives in Atlanta, Georgia. When she is not in her official attire, you will often find her writing, drawing, photographing, cooking, and spending time with family.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
Little Nikki Her Journey to Self-Love is about a young girl named Nikki who is full of life, carefree, and happy. She then starts her new school and is faced with bullying. The story follows her journey to embracing self-love and using positive affirmations as a means to rebuild her self-esteem. It sends a powerful message to young readers that it is okay to be different and to embrace and love who they are as individuals.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
The book is for children ages 3-7. I believe any parent or teacher could use my book as means to open a dialogue with their children to discuss self-love and ways to build one’s confidence.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Any book that helps children develop a sense of worth and guides them to develop coping mechanisms to help with everyday challenges are the books that appeal to me the most.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Writing is a process and it takes time. Trust your instincts and write your thoughts as they come to you. Continue to add layers to your story and edit it until it feels right. Also, try visiting a library and reading other successful books and see what type of writing style and or imagery they used to engage their audience.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Yes, my website link is https://nicolemarshall88.wixsite.com/author. You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook as nicolem.theauthor
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