About the Book

Hollywood Endings and How to Get One
Yes, you can create what you want with imagination an intention. The movie themes the world loves are few and simple; they are the themes that have been portrayed over and over since Hollywood began to make movies. These classics have the most wonderful endings: love overcomes all; good defeats evil; the wayward child comes home. Anyone can be a hero, and everyone has a Guardian Angel.
Hollywood Endings – Using Imagination and Intention is about self-awareness, recovery and enlightenment. It’s for anyone who has ever wanted or dreamed of having a “Hollywood ending.” It is for those of us who never had a role model to show us how it’s done. It celebrates the wonder of the movies and urges us to see movies once to be entertained, and then return to see them again to learn from them. We all deserve a Hollywood ending. This book can show you how with life lessons from Dances With Wolves, National Velvet, Die Hard, and The Color Purple, to name a few.
Rewrite your own story and give it a Hollywood ending.
About the Author
Linda Flanders is a Feldenkrais Practitioner® and former San Francisco police detective. She developed “The MovieMaking Process” as a behavioural learning and teaching tool for atypical children. She used to live in the Emerald City, a log home she built with her son. It was part of the Land of Oz Bed and Breakfast in Bay City, WI. Her sister, Dorothy, was the hostess, of course.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, Hollywood Endings and How to Get One, What is it about?
Hollywood Endings and How to Get One: Using Imagination and Intention is about self-awareness, recovery and enlightenment. It’s a book about how to help yourself have a better life, more enjoyment and less pain. It’s for anyone who has ever wanted or dreamed of having a “Hollywood ending” and for those who never had a role model to show how it’s done. It celebrates the wonder of the movies, the science of mindfulness and the benefits of learning awareness through movement.
This book helps us all rewrite our own story and give it a Hollywood Ending.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in Hollywood Endings and How to Get One, is it directed at any particular market?
It is a self-help book, so it is for seekers. It’s about awareness, recovery and enlightenment and it is a process. If one is interested in mindfulness, or in therapy, or even thinking about therapy, this book can help. I linked it to “the movies” so it was entertaining. I included Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons so improvement is faster: it links body and mind. If one is a therapist, it’s another tool to give to clients. The movies and the workbook offer the opening for great conversations and enlightenment.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
I am very fond of David Baldacci. His characters are complex and his stories are exciting. He also has the Wish You Well Foundation to combat illiteracy, so he gives back to the world as a whole.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
- Write what you are passionate about.
- Edit, edit and edit. No matter how many times you go through your own work, there are always typos because our mind self-corrects. We just don’t see it.
- Don’t give up if writing is what you love to do.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
I no longer have a website. There is information about me out there on the Internet and under my previous company: Taproot, Inc. or under The MovieMaking Process.
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