About the Books
Infamous Jailbreaks offers a captivating interactive non-fiction series providing an intriguing insight into the world of crime. Filled with fascinating case studies of the most notable jailbreaks in the last 100 years, this set of titles documents the background to each event, the crime itself, the escape, and the consequences. Each volume includes additional information in the form of sidebars to complement the main text. Readers can scan QR codes to watch videos that will draw the reader in further.
About the Author
Carlie Lawson (Carla Louise Lawson) began writing professionally in 1991. She spent five years at a mid-sized daily newspaper, beating deadlines on a daily basis while covering politics, sports, and entertainment. She has written for monthly magazines, weekly blogs, and academic publications. Educated at The University of Oklahoma, Lawson holds Bachelor’s degrees in Journalism & Mass Communication, and in Film & Video Studies as well as a Master’s in Regional & City Planning. She started out as a model and now also works as a journalist, author, hazards researcher, business consultant, and publicist. Lawson is a two-time Weather and Science*Integrated Studies Fellow. She owns Powell Lawson Creatives and Powell Lawson Consulting. Her finance and business coverage regularly appear on the Goalry branded sites Loanry, Creditry, Accury, Taxry, Budgetry, Wealthry, and Cashry. Lawson authors two book series for Mason Crest Publishing – “Hip Hop and R&B: Culture, Music & Storytelling” and “Infamous Jailbreaks”. The Hip-Hop series explores the multi-faceted careers, marketing messages, and philanthropy of today’s major hip-hop and rhythm and blues artists. “Infamous Jailbreaks” delves into some of history’s most exciting, daring, and creative escapes from prison and the criminals who perpetrated them. She currently resides in Oklahoma City, OK.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, INFAMOUS JAILBREAKS What are they about?
The Infamous Jailbreaks series looks at the six most famous prison escapes in US history and the criminals behind them. The six-volume set delves into the history and central figures behind the outbreaks perpetrated by the only three known successful escapees from Alcatraz – John Anglin, Clarence Anglin, and Frank Morris, the escapes of Joaquín Guzmán (El Chapo), Frank Abagnale, John Dillinger, Ted Bundy, and The Texas Seven. While the books focus on the prison breaks, they also examine why each individual went to prison and what motivated them to commit their crimes.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in these books, INFAMOUS JAILBREAKS, are they directed at any particular market?
I write for Mason Crest Publishing, an academic and scholastic publisher, so I write ostensibly for a young adult audience interested in non-fiction. Because I recall being in junior high school and high school and frustrated by the books that were marketed to my age group, I don’t write down to my audience. My school’s librarian helped me obtain books for higher grade levels so I could challenge myself and learn from reading. I know that not every person has that individual, so I just write in a way that straightforwardly tells the story.
I think that works out pretty well because one of my older cousins told me a few months ago that he’d read a couple of my books. He’s in his 60s, so I think they must have a wider appeal than intended.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
At about age 11, I picked up a Stephen King novel and to this day, he tops my list of favorite authors. No one else even comes close. I own his books in hardcover, paperback, e-book, you name it. I have the Creepshow trade paperback/graphic novel. I own both of his books on the writing process.
His works transported me in thought and vision. I found myself imagining what he wrote – languishing over it, instead of rushing through the words. Sometimes, I will read the same passage three or more times to really enjoy it and mull over the words. That was my experience at 11 and it still is today.
Right now, I have two of his hardcovers that I’m reading in small snatches because I have deadlines for my creatives clients and two book manuscripts I am writing. But, when I have a moment of time to myself, I spend it reading “Fairy Tale” and “Doctor Sleep.”
As an adult, I gravitated towards short story format and I’ve found myself drawn to Tom Hanks’ writing. I’m reading “Uncommon Type” right now and find myself resonating with his characters. They’re real in a way that I could only understand as an adult. If he’d published when I was a teen, I would not have understood his fiction, but adult me totally gets it.
As far as non-fiction goes, I read Junior Gotti’s book, “In the Shadow of My Father” and Bob Stoops’ book, “No Excuses.” Both gentlemen put a lot of themselves into the books. The thing those two books have in common is the deeper look at person behind the name.
Both the Gotti family name and the Stoops family name have attained brand status. Both families owe their initial renown to their fathers – John Gotti, the Dapper Don and Ron Stoops, Sr., respected football coach. Each of Gotti’s sons who survived into adulthood went into the same career field as he. Each of Coach Stoops’ sons went into the same career field as he. In both families, a third generation is now following in the footsteps of the granddad.
When I read non-fiction, I want it to do more than simply convey history. Both Gotti and Stoops do that in their books. I hope both write more books because they have so much source material to explore.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
How funny that this is a question because just today, I answered a similar question on my Good Reads page. Get a notebook and pen and just write. Don’t worry about prompts or subject matter. Whatever you want to write down, just do it.
Do it the old fashioned way of pen to paper. There seems to be something about that method that unlocks the human brain. It differs from what happens to us when we tweet or type or keep a photo blog. Something in the activity of handwriting turns proverbial gears in our heads.
Write every day. (I learned that reading Stephen King’s “On Writing” and I listened!) As long as you create, you’re making progress. Sticking to a schedule matters. Scheduling creative time every day matters.
Always remain open to learning. I’ve earned three college degrees, but I still take writing seminars, classes, and participate in workshops. I always have something new to learn and I think that is true of every writer, every person. No one ever knows it all.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
I maintain a website for my businesses that also features information on my books.
There’s also my Good Reads, which I try to keep updated.
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