An Introduction To Bollywood

For Those of Us Who Have Never Seen a Bollywood Film, But Are Kind of Curious

About the Book

An Introduction To Bollywood: For Those of Us Who Have Never Seen a Bollywood Film, But Are Kind of Curious. Mention Bollywood in conversation and most people have at least a vague idea that it’s Indian cinema with lots of dancing and lots of singing, beyond that probably not much more.

During the summer of 2020 when we all had way too much time on our hands, my wife and I began binge watching Bollywood Films. Our initial foray was an attempt to satisfy a curiosity, what’s it all about? And somewhat quickly Bollywood steamrolled its way into becoming a mainstay of our streaming lineup. Why? Hard to put a finger on it exactly. Bollywood films tend to be extravagant spectacles, and yes they have singing and dancing, comedy, romance, over-the-top action, colorful costumes and beautiful sets. Big stories, big personalities. Bollywood films are escapism at its finest. They are fun and, more often than not, wildly entertaining. Suppose that’s reason enough for us to enjoy them.

An Introduction To Bollywood: For Those of Us Who Have Never Seen a Bollywood Film, But Are Kind of Curious
An Introduction To Bollywood: For Those of Us Who Have Never Seen a Bollywood Film, But Are Kind of Curious

About the Author

By no means a professional author, An Introduction to Bollywood was written on a whim and purely for fun. My wife and I started binge-watching Bollywood films during Covid. At first, it was something of a curiosity, but we quickly found that we loved the storylines, the characters, actors and actresses, all of the spectacle that comes with many Bollywood films. Having surpassed well over 50 films thought it would be fun and entertaining to write a book on the topic. We’ve traveled all over the world, and oddly enough have yet to visit India, which is now firmly on our to do list for the near future. Currently we call Washington DC our home, with our daughter and our dog.

Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, An Introduction To Bollywood: For Those of Us Who Have Never Seen a Bollywood Film, But Are Kind of Curious, What is it about?

The title is an accurate description of the book, An Introduction to Bollywood For Those of Us Who Have Never Seen A Bollywood Film But Are Kind Of Interested. It’s written as a typical guide style with individual movie reviews. The book opens with a brief of how and why our household became interested in Bollywood films to begin with, a little bit of history of the Bollywood film industry, and a discussion and an introduction to some of the most popular and well-recognized actors/actresses. There are about 30 movies reviewed, most of which should be available on any of the big streaming platforms for free.

Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, An Introduction To Bollywood: For Those of Us Who Have Never Seen a Bollywood Film, But Are Kind of Curious, is it directed at any particular market?

An Introduction to Bollywood is a book for everyone and anyone who loves entertainment and film and might be looking to expand their horizons, looking to discover something new. The way that we consume media has changed drastically over the past 20-odd years, most recently with streaming services creating their own content it feels that a lot of what’s on offer from Netflix or Amazon Prime can feel very formulaic. Bollywood has this rich culture embedded within their films that’s fun and full of life, although also easily relatable to a Western audience. There are literally films for everyone, whatever your preferences may be, ranging from feel-good rom-com to wild over-the-top action extravaganzas.

Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?

Difficult to say. As a voracious reader, I go through at least 2 dozen books a year. My guilty pleasure is definitely pulp fiction spy and detective novels. Entertaining and easy to read. Great distraction and escapism from the daily goings on of life. Big fan of Gabriel Allon, Cormoran Strike, and Jack Reacher books.

Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?

Writing is cathartic, fun, frustrating and satisfying all in one. Have an idea that you think should be put to paper and pen, go for it. Along the way, always ask for help and people’s opinions.

Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?

I do have a personal website that I should probably update on a more regular basis,

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