About the Book

This e-book is chock full of tips to help you prepare for the job of your dreams. It includes exercises where you can really think about your skills and qualifications, and write down examples that you can use during the interview. The book is titled “The Short But Sweet Guide to Interview Preparation”, because although it is less than 30 pages long (short), there is a lot of goodness within (sweet). Preparation is key to building the confidence you need to get the job you want. However, all the preparation time is meaningless if you don’t believe in yourself. As Nelson Mandela said, “One cannot prepare for something while secretly believing it won’t happen.” So, prepare, believe and then ROCK THAT INTERVIEW!
About the Author
I’ve been a leader in California State Government for over 15 years and have conducted hundreds of interviews. I’m sharing my experience with you so that you can be successful in getting the job of your dreams.
Qn 1: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
My book is directed to job seekers, both young and seasoned, who could benefit from a hands-on approach to interview preparation.
Qn 2: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
One of my favorite books is called Cane River by Lalita Tademy. It tells the story of four generations of black women from slavery to freedom. I love it because it chronicles the strength and determination of black women and demonstrates that we can conquer anything we put our minds to.
Qn 3: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I’m a new author too! But, my advice is to write from your heart and don’t stop no matter what!
Qn 4: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
In my role as a leader in California State Government for over 15 years, I have interviewed hundreds of people. It was after a particularly bad interview that I decided to write this book. I hope that by following the guidance and completing the exercises, you will be ready to ROCK THAT INTERVIEW and get the job of your dreams. You can connect with me at Shortbutsweetbks@gmail.com.
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