About the Book

A book to take to bed. Easy reading short stories and Medieval Prose that will lift you up and then allow you to sleep restfully.
“Eerie Stillness and Other Short Stories” is a collection of short stories authored by Sir Peter James Dotcome.
The reader is offered some 140 pages of short stories of differing genre. Interspersed between the short stories are few Medieval Prose/Poems. The ethos of the book is that of encouragement. In a world climate of depression and anxiety, where media, for the most part, are pouring out volumes of negativity, if there is one commodity we cannot get enough of, it’s encouragement.
Eerie Stillness is undemanding and easy to read. Absolutely ideal to curl up in bed and soak up a few stories before you drift off to sleep. The stories and poems will clear your stressed mind from the day’s labors and give rest that you so need.
About the Author
Sir Peter James Dotcome started his short story writing by setting up a blog site four years ago. ‘Eerie Stillness’ is the progeny of these posts. He is in the final stages of a Paranormal Romance Novel due for publishing by year end. Peter and His wife Eileen have retired from their business lives and live in the ‘Emerald Isle.’
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
Eerie Stillness and Other Short Stories is a book, 204 pages, of sheer encouragement. Thirteen short stories and six prose-poems. Each story and poem complete in itself. A wide range of genre; romance, fictional history, paranormal, just to mention a few.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Any corner of the market that is looking for an easy and uplifting reading. Who doesn’t need upliftment in a time of global despondency? All ages and gender from about 25 years and on.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Paulo Coelho. A man who is deeply philosophic and who communicates his philosophy in simple story-like terms. Paulo has wonderful compassion and understanding of people.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I don’t set goals, I simply discipline myself to a writing program. Essentially, I am a pantser, writing first and planning later!
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