About the Book

The Dropoff: A Timeless Novel (The Nigel Manning Series Book 1) by Sloane McQuiston
Five-year-old Nigel feels like a tattered library book
—dropped off and picked up too many times to count!
When Nigel ends up with his 99-year-old step grandfather, Steve, he’s sure this drop off is going to be like every other time. Instead, he’s regaled with tales of pirates, stolen money, and off-shore bank accounts.
And what about the cat his grandfather refers to?
Nigel isn’t sure whether any of his grandfather’s stories are true, but with him he finds a place he can be himself and belong. Nigel learns how a man can be respected and Steve remembers the joy of childhood innocence. Together they discover age doesn’t really matter when you find common ground.
About the Author
Sloan Sloan and is an accomplished author and professional. After publishing the Nigel Manning series he continued his creative journey to write ‘The Risk Manager’, publishing this summer. He is based in Dallas, Texas and has attended several local events to share his creative perspective.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
The Dropoff – A Timeless Novel, is a thought-provoking work from author Sloane McQuiston. It chronicles everyday events of the young and old including family, friends, pets and celebrating “a win.” McQuiston’s use of humor, sadness, triumph and tragedy weaves a fascinating generational story with characters on the opposite ends of life’s spectrum.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
This book would be interesting to anyone who has, or has had, a strong relationship with a grandparent or grandchild. Nigel is an exceptional 5 year-old, advanced beyond his years, so people who relate well to characters like this would like the book. There is also an interracial element to Nigel and Steve’s relationship which is more relevant now than ever. Steve is 99 and has lived an interesting life. He bonds quickly with Nigel and tells him stories of himself and Nigel’s grandmother. These multi-generational conversations provide humor and insight on the human condition and are told from both Nigel and Steve’s perspectives.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Like most authors and readers, I like a variety of books and authors. Micheal Crichton is definitely a favourite. He is probably the least appreciated genius of my lifetime. Dan Brown is a wonderful storyteller and character developer. His books are thought-provoking and well researched. I love James Patterson’s Alex Cross character. These books show a real aptitude for writing diverse characters. John Grisham writes wonderful legal thrillers and they are always a joy to read. One of my favorites of his is “The Innocent Man.” It is nonfiction and takes place in my home state of Oklahoma. But, the only book I have read multiple times is Stephen King’s “The Stand.” I am currently reading it for the third or fourth time. It is a testament to timeless writing and is always pertinent even though it is more than 30 years old.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
The best guidance I would give to a new author is; keep writing. The more you write, the more you find your voice and the way you want the story to be crafted. Don’t get discouraged by sagging sales. Also, listen to your readers and their reviews. Be able to take constructive criticism. Not all criticism is constructive, learn the difference. Remember, some things are worth doing regardless of their profitability. Storytelling is one of them. People want and need good storytellers. If you can be that for even one reader, you are a successful author.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
The best way to find my books and see what I have coming next is through my website, www.sloanemcquistion.com. I am also on facebook at facebook.com/sloanemcquiston. For questions, either one allows readers to contact me. I love hearing from readers and I answer every email I get from my website or facebook page.
This sounds like a very interesting book. I love the authors advice to new writers.