About the Book
It certainly has been crazy since late 2019 due to the pandemic. Since then, and now 2021 is ending, the SARS 2 COVID-19 has upended the entire world. Globalists (including Socialists, Communists, Marxists and others) are using this crisis to inflate and keep the pandemic going with fear-mongering to fully take control of the world’s governments and enslave us. Along with the civil unrest in the United States, the pandemic has wreaked havoc on all our lives.
This text shares treatments I have used and have seen worked and detail them. Here is evidence you can treat this with what we currently have at our disposal. I know it sounds crazy, but over 800 people will tell you I’m right. They trust me because I told them I knew how to get them better and I delivered. My hope is we will use this science and data to continue to fight this plague. This is EVIDENCE you don’t have to wait to get too sick to be treated. You can be treated at any stage of illness with as much hope as you would have when using an antacid to get over your stomach ache.
My name is Bret Barker; I am a Doctor of nursing practice and family nurse practitioner. I am a seasoned critical-care registered nurse and public health nurse. I have been doing much research and implementing practices which are considered evidenced-based. For over a year I cared for patients suffering from Severe Acute Respiratory Disease 2 due to COVID-19 (SARS 2 COVID-19) in the ICU and helped treat outpatients to prevent hospitalization. I have worked with physicians and nurse practitioners and many researchers on this illness. I have found as successful a method of treating patients afflicted without the severity we have been programmed with. People can and do recover with early aggressive treatment. I have guided treatment protocols from mildly ill to “oh my god you need to be in the hospital” patients. Those who had low oxygen saturations were often sick for quite a while and afraid to go to the hospital for fear of dying. I explain my methods, medications used and explain the illness just like I do in this book with each and every one. I follow every one of them from the sniffle to the shortness of breath and get them better.
I am not anti-vaccine. I have had all of them except the COVID Vaccine. I have immunized many people from children to adults. There is a long history of vaccine effectiveness with FDA-approved vaccines and studies of such for many years. The chapter on vaccines is only to provide information regarding the COVID vaccinations and education to allow you to determine your own choice to receive it or not. I have found the protocols explained here are not only helpful for COVID infection, prophylactic for COVID and especially for COVID vaccine reactions.
This text tells what makes scientific sense, which is an evidence-based practice, to aid humanity despite the rejection of these ideas. I have worked with other providers of the same mindset, and we have been able to help many. My colleagues and I have been shunned, threatened, and looked upon negatively. We took care of as many people as we could. It saddens me that over the year, alternative treatments for SARS COVID-19 have been avoided or dismissed. It is my hope the retrospective studies show these treatments have worked. Hate to tell ya globalists. You are BUSTED. We have data from numerous patients who have been treated despite what you say doesn’t work. I have been banned on YouTube® as a non-expert despite five degrees, completing the 25th-grade level and working on the frontlines actually getting people better not deaths. Of course, they don’t want to hear from me. I make sense, keep it simple and patients get better. So read on, and get pissed of and do something about it. I started Nuremberg 2.0 Limited and intend to use this company to bring to light ALL of the “I was just following orders” we have had the past two years reminiscent of WWII. Get fed up and take action!

About the Author
My name is Bret Alan Barker, I am a Doctor of Nursing practice and family nurse practitioner. I am a registered nurse public health nurse and critical care registered nurse. I am a member of the Sigma Theta Tau international nursing Honor Society. I worked full time while going to college for over 12 years.
I have earned five degrees while working full time in healthcare. From the intensive care unit to the emergency room, trauma, surgical, medical, and cardiac ICU. I have circulated and assisted in the operating room, step-down units progressive care units, and surgery. I have cared for infants, children, and adults from premature babies at a Children’s Hospital how to adults in their 90s for the past 16 years. I have worked the entire time while going to school while researching and trying to help others.
I am a seasoned ICU nurse CCRN, OR and ER nurse, Tele/Stepdown, CCU, Trauma ICU, and Medical ICU. I taught nursing theory and clinical since 2008 in an associate degree nursing program at Gavilan College from 2008 to 2018 and was the assistant director of their registered nursing program. I taught RN to BSN at a local California State University from 2018 TO 2019. To my students in the past, please keep it up, you know how I am. Think, talk to your patients and do it right. You make a difference. I am so glad to keep in touch with so many I know in healthcare. We rock.
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