About the Book
The book was written to give you valuable information about the world around you in ways never imagined or in ways, you may never have thought of this book is about the Metaphysical G-d how he is in his creation and how he can exist outside of it too. it is about, How you and I are relevant, and affect the things in us and around us. This book will take you on a journey of inner and outer space and how a superior life force has everything to do with the molecules and the DNA of all creation including you. It is a picture of what part you play and how you as a person count as someone that matters in the outcome of things. Each being in this world plays a glorious part in each thing that the creator has chosen in existence in a metaphysical way that manifests in our physical realm. This book is a self-help guide on how you fit in Metaphysically with the Creator and Creation. This book has rated 4 stars on Amazon so far and 5 stars on Good Reads.

About the Author
My name is Dr. Denise Gotautis I am a Metaphysician, Philosopher, and Psychotherapist. I am a radio podcaster, singer, and speaker, I have worked in the medical field as an ER technician, Medical Assistant, and Certified Nursing Assistant, I hold a THB and PHD from two non-profit Seminary Colleges the latter accepted every faith. I am Jewish and I live in Israel. My main goal and interest are to help a world that is hurting so much to heal and to help people become better than they ever could be for themselves and others. I am a motivational speaker as well. Can speak and encourage others to advance themselves and let go of negativity and embrace positivity. I am a down-to-earth real person in love with the truth and I tell it like it is and will still love those I disagree with. We can love one another and agree to disagree because in the end, G-d will have the last word in all of our lives. The way I see the world I am here to serve and make people’s lives better and easier if I can. I enjoy helping others in every area of their lives. I just had an awesome interview with Logan ex commentator on CNN and Fox News about this new book release I hope this book touch and changes lives for the better. my favorite hobbies are painting, bike Riding, snorkeling Kayaking, and hiking. Arielle is my Jewish name I am also known as Dr. Denise Gotautis
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
The Metaphysical G-d in Relation to his Creation is a book about Relating to a Divine Creator on any level anytime anywhere. It teaches one to love themselves and others around them. It teaches that your life matter in the entire Creation. Creation would not be Creation without you. The Creator holds value to your existence that is why he created you. It is a book to help those who are without certainty in a world where many are hurting. It is a book to give hope as the term Tikkun Olam is used this means to heal the world and this starts with us loving our Creator, ourselves and others. This is a book of healing on the physical and Metaphysical level. I wrote this book to let everyone know that there is a Metaphysical Creator out there and he loves you very much, regardless of the lies the world tells you that he does not care about you.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
I believe that this can be used as a Self-help and Religious guide accompanied by the Torah (Bible) or whatever religious guide one has. This book is generally for everyone. This book was designed to heal the world and put a band-aid on spiritual wounds from the negative forces that steal, kill and destroy. This book would interest those who want to get better from a spiritual or physical wound within themselves
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
There are so many Authors I cannot just name one, I do not have a favorite one, but I can tell you that I do admire the many authors out there who are making a positive impact on the world and changing lives in a positive way and not a negative way.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
If you write anything, Write with passion and the things you really care about because that will make the greatest impact on people’s lives
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Yes I do I have a blog on facebook I am a podcast host for Arielle’s Torah Talk and just recently I accepted the position of Co-host on Crs Radio (Caribbean Radio Station) With Music producer and Hollywood Producer Billy Tappin and I also have a webpage Called Tikkun Olam international.
I can be reached at arielgotautis@gmail.com or gotautis@yahoo.com
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