About the Book
For decades, The Holiday Hellion has been plaguing the world. A twisted man, who strings the corpses of his victims for the holidays. Dazzling displays are designed to taunt the senses and offer a deadly surprise upon discovery. His dark visions add a new terror to once cherished holidays. From a Christmas corpse to a Valentine’s Day victim, he creates a terrifying portfolio of pain.

About the Author
Joel M. Andre (1981-Present) was born in Cottonwood, AZ.
From a young age Joel knew his passion was to write tales that shocked and sent chills down the spines of readers. But it was not where he began.
During his teen years, he focused his attention on writing poetry in the style of Edgar Allen Poe. His work while dark often lifted the brow of friends. But the passion was there, and soon the winter wonderland that consumed Lauren Bruni was created (Death at the North Pole & Black Chronicles).
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
When I first started to write, Interlinked Destiny, I was focused on the crazy events in our world. Lockdowns forced many of us to see a new side of people.
Heroes became villains. I wanted to explore characters who had layers that made them good and evil.
I wanted to also have a work of horror that incorporated real people. Equality and a love for all people is essential. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it is easier to write people off for some of their ugliness. It is important for people to remember that even those who are problematic still can hold good in their hearts.
While the book does reflect on, The Holiday Hellion, it also explores the psychological impact of abuse. But with grisly murders and shrines for Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and more.
Triggering topics are touched on also. It is a work of horror and there are some terrifying thoughts, ideologies and other topics which may cause some readers discomfort. I don’t mind helping someone explore the darkness of the mind, but I also don’t want to maliciously have people enter the work, since there’s likely areas of concern.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Fans of slashers will likely enjoy this.
People who like gore and violence will like this. This is a book I have envisioned since I was a young teenager in Jerome. I needed a few things that come up in the book to work within the realm of possibility.
The concept of President Mrziti and his group originated from political tensions. There are people on both sides of the fence who will assume there are jabs at them. Authentically, I let the characters dictate their views and ideas. Many of which are vastly different from my stance on things.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
When I was younger, I was fascinated by Poe. My father was a fan of Stephen King and Anne Rice. So I took the time to sneak the book from his shelves, and my mother would always find out.
When my parents divorced, they continued to ensure we children behaved. I read It, The Stand, and The Mayfair Witch series instead of paying attention in my 7th-grade science class. But Mr Scroggins constantly encouraged me. It would continue to other science classes.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Focus. Rewrite. Do it all again.
Early on, I trusted word processor grammar programs. Fortunately, people who mean the world to me, like Nancy Langston and Robbi Drake, invested a lot of love and time into me.
I am also notorious for listening in to surrounding conversations and watching people to the point of focusing on them and watching their actions. I think it could help new writers to focus on the people around them.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
There are several social media accounts I have learned to ignore over the years. At this point, I have
www.author joelmandre.com. It’s very draining having to talk about oneself. I prefer to be a hermit who hides away.
Qn 6: Can you tell us more about the Holiday Hellion, who exactly is he and what makes him so fearsome?
The Holiday Hellion is a serial killer who has eluded the police from 20 years ago when he first went after Caroline.
For each holiday, he heads out using a weapon that contains elements of the holiday, he butchers and creates displays reminiscent of the holidays.
Each body is then designed to go off with a series of events, to a deadly finish. Scents of the season are blended into the crime scenes.
With Caroline’s death, he wants to give up the final remains of his soul. He suffers from several mental health issues which come to light too.
Originally, he was called, The Holiday Killer. But as he performed more and more brutal and sinister attacks, he seemed to be more than a killer. Over on Wattpad, i did a few shorts of several minor holidays.
The shorts had moral lessons cloaked in a horror story. A lot of what is themes from the real world spilt over into him.
Qn 7: the story focuses on Caroline Carpenter, can you tell us more about her, what brought her into the path of Holiday Hellion?
20 years ago, Caroline Carpenter was the only person to survive the Holiday Hellion.
His obsession for her never ended, despite going into the shadows of her life and watching.
Caroline faces her mental health concerns as she attempts to reclaim her life. This includes revisiting some of the darkest moments of her past.
I’m this case, she has survived more than just the attack of a killer. In the real world, there are children who went through the school shooting spree of America the last two decades.
A decade ago, the series of events in her life wouldn’t have been remotely realistic. The evolving American landscape over the last couple of decades is how the events of her life worked.
Some events will likely trigger some people. For example, there is a school shooting. There is domestic violence. Post 9/11 hate attacks are touched on. Elements of racism and the ugly side of the world poking its head out.
Inclusive writing has been something I’ve always been passionate about.
Sometimes people need to see the ugliness of the world laid out to realize some of their justifications are awful.
The work is horror. We live in a world where racism, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia are unfortunately real. None of them are acceptable.
QN 8: What other characters will we encounter in Interlinked Destiny?
You’ll meet professional loser Mitchell at a cafe. An Asian songstress, Fen, prepares for a concert for Chinese New Year. Jackson has a conversation with his dead father on Halloween. Maria hosts a memorial for her deceased abuela during Día De Los Muertos, Maurice is a transgender beauty who is seeking love and acceptance on Valentine’s Day.
Kevin is a minion of, The Holiday Hellion.
Donna also plays an important part.
Qn 9: Will you be writing a sequel to Interlinked Destiny?
If people are receptive, the book could start a trilogy of books. One would address a new world post the events of the first book. The other would go back into the past crimes of The Holiday Hellion and explore how we got to the events of Easter weekend in the book.
Qn 10: What do you plan to do next?
I began working on the book again at the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s pretty much been the main focus of my life.
Right now, I just want to take a step back from the world and continue to focus on living life. Medical marijuana has significantly helped my chronic pain and has given me the tools to avoid becoming a hermit again.
I’ll also be rewriting my old works. A bunch of short stories, which are largely unfinished, yet for sale. They’ll be updated as ‘Cursed Editions’.
The new versions will replace the originals on Amazon will be provided with the new version at no cost. The previous unfinished ideas and stories will then be pulled after the release of the Cursed Editions.
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