About the Book
This Ultimate Business Growth Blueprint of 5 business ebooks covers planning with goal setting and boosting productivity, pricing for profitability and ensuring much-needed self-care for you as an ambitious, go-getting and (trendsetting) business founder or owner.
These five ebooks are easy to read and full of comprehensive strategies and tips from which you will see massive results. I can’t wait to hear from you about how you’re putting the nuggets into action to boost profitability and ensure you avoid common mistakes in growing your business.
You will have the advantage of taking action to avoid common mistakes and not be a bottleneck in your business.
This collection of business ebooks covers everything I wished I knew when I started my first business.
These ebooks will ensure you achieve clarity, boost productivity, grow revenues and in the process increase profitability. These ‘how to’ guides of tips, strategies and solutions will help you:
- use SMART goals to plan for and achieve end goals and key milestones in your business;
- ensure price setting is more profitable through avoiding pricing mistakes and applying tips to avoid costly mistakes;
- grow capable, skilled and strong teams alongside boosting productivity, through outsourcing effectively and successfully;
- regain some of your time through greater efficiency and in the process feel re-energised as you develop your unique set of habits for self-care; and
- deepen your understanding through answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and learn from examples shared about how small business coaching can accelerate growth in your own business.

About the Author
Since 2010, Veronica has worked with business founders, directors and senior managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them gain clarity and in the process increase profitability and prosperity.
With expertise in Pricing Strategies, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability for SMEs, she is also a qualified, experienced and proven Small Business Coach and Consultant on Sustainability (three pillars).
Veronica works with business founders, directors and their senior managers to find solutions that promote business growth, increase profitability and integrate sustainability in SMEs. This results in business owners achieving more revenue as well as profits, reducing time to launch new services or products and better integration of sustainability to improve business competitiveness.
In addition, Veronica created a 5-step system to accelerate business growth. This programme consists of a mix of structured online modules and live sessions (virtual) with small groups of clients to allow lots of time for Question & Answer (Q & A).
In addition to entrepreneurship training and sustainability audits, Veronica’s academic qualifications include a Diploma in Small Business Coaching, Post-graduate Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment and a Masters of law degree (LLM).
Veronica loves travelling and the movies and has travelled to over 30 countries across five continents! She has incredible rapport building and engagement skills developed from working across multiple sectors and with diverse communities.
Veronica helps clients achieve greater profitability in their business through strategic approaches to pricing, raising brand competitiveness and gaining financially with lower carbon emissions. Delivering customised, profitable and competitive solutions for founders, directors of SMEs and their senior managers.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
This is a collection of five business ebooks for entrepreneurs who are Founders or Owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
As a collection, the ebooks are easy to read and serve as handy guides with answers to some of the more common issues faced by business owners.
The ebooks are filled with tips, strategies and solutions to help entrepreneurs deal with setting and achieving SMART goals, using outsourcing successfully to grow teams in your business, how to avoid common mistakes when setting prices and how to accelerate the rate of growth in your business.
As a collection, these five business ebooks cover what business founders need to know from the time of their initial idea through to scale up and grow their business in an integrated way.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
This business ebook collection is ideal for the founders of startup businesses as well as more experienced business owners. If your business is a startup and still in the first 12 to 18 months, then you will benefit from tips to help you get to grips with the basics of pricing and planning in a simple yet structured way.
For more established and experienced entrepreneurs, the collection will help you to be more strategic in thinking and understanding how you could apply pricing menus in your business to boost competitiveness. This enables you to deliver even greater value to clients and customers as well as higher profitability for their business.
The ebooks in this collection are easy-to-read and packed with tips and strategies for you to apply and customise as appropriate to your business.
For entrepreneurs, there is also the convenience of having handy guides you can use as often as needed to find answers to some of the more common issues you face in business.
Entrepreneurs and their management teams will benefit from the tips, strategies and insights drawn from more than 10 years of engagement with the founders, owners and directors of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Qn 3: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
1) On the website for Your Small Business Coach: https://yoursmallbizcoach.com
2) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bizcoachuk/
3) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGXEamzwpUBY0W-BD6JfhA
4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YourSmallBusinessCoach
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