About the Book

Understanding the Matrix within Internal Earth
Have you ever felt as though your life is not complete? Do you feel as though something deep inside of you has been longing to just feel alive and understood? Have you felt as though even though your life is going well deep down inside of you something just wants more and that feeling or thirst never subsides? Well I will fulfil that thirst by allowing you to understand yourself on a level that lives within itself. “UNDERSTANDING THE MATRIX WITHIN INTERNAL EARTH”. You will uncover that hidden feeling that you know is there but once the external world calls you back as its existence you forget about your very own desire once again being fed its own understanding to feel complete…
About the Author
Rena Price is a Mother, Ordained Minister, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach, Mentor, Speaker, and Author living in Fresno, California. As an empath, and introvert, Rena began to see the world differently from a very young age. When struggling to overcome trauma she learned she could commune with God within herself and when she did so she could connect with the energy and souls of others she encountered. She began to understand life was created within itself and not externally in the world, but it took her many years to begin to believe in herself.
When trauma once more affected her family, Rena begged God for healing and was given the gift of discovering she was made in the image of God and understood life in a way that others could not. After this understanding, Rena was able to make sense of things she never dreamed of, opening a whole world and awakening powers within her heart. As she experimented and learned how to play with her energy body and consciousness, Rena’s body and the PTSD, and depression with which she had struggled began to correct themselves. Always a passionate creator of art in many forms, Rena turned to a medium with which she had always been able to express herself, writing. Through her books she strives to teach the vastness we carry within us but do not comprehend. Currently, Rena is working to release an online course on awareness on a biological level she created called From Unconscious to Awareness and is working to push a curriculum with her school district for students to learn of their internal wellbeing. Her Ministry is Grace Love Internal Living Ministry of Fresno City 501c3 Non-Profit. Breath; Global GLILMOFC is her Life Coaching, speaking, and mentoring business.
Now releasing her book, Understanding the Matrix within Internal Earth.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book, Understanding the Matrix within Internal Earth, What is it about?
My book is about every being in life. Many are not aware they are a being which makes them EXISTENCE in the flesh. Each human body is pure awareness which makes them more than what they have ever been taught to believe. At five years old I was able to understand life internally on a level in which I could only see life within myself versus the way we are taught to see it only in the world or externally. My life was very traumatic and scary because I didn’t see life externally. I saw life as Spiritually what science calls mind over matter or what the Bible states as Spirit. I prayed for all my life up until 41 years of age for God to help me understand why I was experiencing life so traumatically and at 41 years of age crying out to God for the last time to help me or I was taking my life. That day God led me to my anatomy then from there I learned my biology, and mind was over matter, and everything I knew at five years old started to complete the mystery I couldn’t explain but somehow I knew something just wasn’t right. I started to understand who I was on a level of creation versus the world the scripture that spoke life to me was Romans 12:2 ” Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will be able to test and approve what God’s will is. Everything I had known started to make sense and my life started to auto-correct itself in ways that I was never taught was capable. I had been permanently disabled, dealing with mental illness because I couldn’t see life as the world. I was only able to see life internally but everything we are taught is external. God led me to discover myself as the internal being my mother created me as and as the internal being, Mother earth created all of existence within. I became my own doctor, scientist, biologist, and creator and my body, mind and soul started to reveal a living truth to me that the world has transformed the one thing that God gave every being of life the image to create from. Our mind is over matter and I knew this but everyone thought I was crazy because I couldn’t see life external yet my very creation, existence, and right to live is internal. This is where this book was created from a testimony that I had to become the witness to share with every internal being of life’s existence. God made us wonderfully and my soul know this well…
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, Understanding the Matrix within Internal Earth, is it directed at any particular market?
I believe every person seeking, praying or wanting to understand life on a level of creation of life within itself would be interested in this book. One thing I know is that there is a void that the human is always trying to fix, heal, or discover and this book will explain that void.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
The book that I love over all the books in the world is the Bible. Many have taken all their understanding from the books that we are taught at school, and while growing up. But for some reason, the Bible spoke to me in ways that I could understand. As I stated I couldn’t understand life externally at five years old I witnessed everything contradicted itself, and hurt so bad I felt as though I was being abused just by the understanding that was being taught to me. I would cry out to my mom that I was being hurt but she didn’t understand me, and nobody did for that matter. To many I was crazy but the truth was I was being made crazy by what was being done to me and not having anybody believe or understand me. I felt alone and misunderstood and afraid of the very life I came to create my very own existence as. But the Bible kept teaching me how to be safe and how to depend on God within and by that book I felt safe and loved in ways I just didn’t see the world doing for me.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
I would offer them the advice to write their truth and let the words become their testament to life. Within being is their souls’ testimony or internal nature trying to reveal their living existence. We all came with a testimony to the life and somehow our external understanding denied us that very testimony and our writing reveals life’s truths that we may not be available to express externally but when we write our soul speaks truths that we know but have hidden within ourselves because the very expression we call life has been expressed outside of our very own existence.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
website https://breath.global
email gracelove212b@gmail.com
501c 3 ministry website at gracelilministry@gmail.com
business line at 559-598-1761
Book: Understanding the Matrix within Internal Earth
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