About the Book

66 Books of Seed
Death and life are in the power of the tongue and we truly have what we say. Our words hold weight and have power. 66 Books of Seed will shed some insight on how we can use our words to change our lives and the lives of those around us. This book is to be used as a tool to use in your journey in life with God.
About the Author
Prophetess Windee D. Dixon is passionate about transforming lives, unlocking destinies, and helping others to fulfil their purpose. She is a humble servant of the Lord, mother, prophetess, psalmist, intercessor, teacher, counsellor, entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, and is set on furthering the Kingdom of God through seeking and saving that which was lost.
The Lord has called her to do many things in the Body of Christ. Through the Holy Spirit’s leading and direction she has birthed out His Story for His Glory (History) which are documentaries of people’s lives that show where they were before the Lord and how they overcame , how God brought them out, and where He is taking them, helping to encourage the viewer.
She teaches Life Series on topics such as relationships, family, and career. Through her worshipping gift, her and her oldest son Jaylen, use their gift by travelling all over the world to usher in the presence of God. The Royal Closet, www.TheRoyalCloset.co, is a tool the Lord allows her to use to sell inspirational attire and accessories that promote God and inspire others. She also offers one on one mentoring for those that need counsel in life, direction, or may need a prophetic word as the Lord leads.
Prophetess Windee is under the covering of Apostle Prophet Timothy Long at Jesus Christ For All Nations International in Maryland. To book us to worship at your event and or to share your story for a documentary, please contact us at www.WindeeDawnMinistriesINT.com
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about 66 Books of Seed, What is it about?
66 Books of Seed is a teaching on the power of words and provides scriptures to meditate, pray, and do confessions.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in 66 Books of Seed, is it directed at any particular market?
Anyone that is tired of living in the same cycle with no change in their life. Someone that wants to see a change in themselves, in the lives of those around them, and in their environment.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
My favourite book is, “Does Your Tongue Need Healing,” by Derek Prince. This book is what ignited me to be mindful of what I am speaking out of my mouth.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
If you are new to writing and find yourself being overwhelmed not knowing where to start. Take a deep breath and just write every thought, write everything that comes to mind. You can sort everything out later and create your masterpiece!
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
You can find more about me through my website at www.WindeeDawnMinistriesINT.com. I am also on Instagram as @iamwindeedawn. Facebook as Windee Dawn Ministries INT (Public Page) Windee D. Dixon (Private Page). YouTube as Windee Dawn Ministries INT.
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