About the Book
The Business That Runs on Its Own (Amazon #1 Bestselling Author)
Are you a business owner, CEO, or entrepreneur who knows working with a business coach could help take your business to the next level? Do you feel you are working for your business and the business isn’t working for you? Do you find you are missing out on making your business procedures repeatable and scalable?
If so, you aren’t alone. Research shows that 50 per cent of businesses fail in the first five years and 70 per cent in 10 years. One may have an unconscious bias where you fear your employees will believe you are working with a business coach to fix your flaws. You may have your own doubts about the difference in working with a consultant versus working with a business coach.
Whether your idea to work with a business coach comes from learning about successful CEOs or you’ve wanted to work on your business procedures and simplify life for you and your employees, The Business That Runs on Its Own will propel you to achieve the full potential for your business, discover world-class best practices, and have someone who bets on your success and who keeps you accountable to you so you are committed to your own learning and development.
Inside, you’ll find 21 solutions for business improvement, where you’ll learn how successful business owners have overcome questions such as:
- What will my employees think if I have a business coach?
- What if I hire a consultant instead of a business coach?
- What if I’m overwhelmed carrying out strategies for business growth?
- What if my team disagrees with the changes I bring forward?
- What if I’m unable to spend time working on the business?
And more
Suresh Iyengar is a profitability coach who collaborates with CEOs, entrepreneurs, executives, and business owners to uncover hidden profits and create new wealth from private profitability coaching.
After spending nearly two decades in multimillion-dollar companies, Suresh knows exactly what drives business growth, profits, and sales–and it’s not abstract ideas. It’s how you craft your detailed plan and carry it out, quickly building loyal fans for your goods and services.
Suresh has written more than 100 blog articles and published 13 Amazon e-books on business growth.

About the Author
Suresh Iyengar is a successful business coach and small business owner. He brings global experience from commercial and industrial automation businesses. He loves tennis, public speaking, writing and reading.
He has coached executives in over 80 countries and successfully run project management programs for a global manufacturing company expanding order capacity by $6 billion.
Suresh has become a passionate business coach over his 20-year career. He brings his experience in building products that need market appeal, building plans to be specific for yielding results and matching the right people to tasks.
Suresh has conducted speaking engagements in Brazil, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, UK, India and USA.
Suresh Iyengar is a Stanford University Certified Project Manager, Project Management Professional and Professional Engineer in Texas. He has earned the ABB Quality Salute Award and holds Masters degrees in Business Administration and Electrical Engineering. He has a bachelors degree in Instrumentation Technology.
Suresh Iyengar has written 13 books until now. In his current journey, he looks forward to writing until the sunset of his career.
Join him at www.buexecution.com or on Twitter at @buexecution
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
This business book aims to serve readers in three ways:
- Discover how coaching helps business owners recognize and identify real obstacles
- Discover how coaching helps business owners develop skills to overcome business challenges
- Discover how coaching helps business owners become more accountable and follow through on their objectives
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
They are business owners interested in self-improvement and specifically in improving business procedures. They are founders, CEOs and entrepreneurs. They are executives and leaders who have seen their business lift-off but they want more predictability in their sales and more help in making decisions that improve results. It is useful for any trade or services market where the business revenues go from $250K to $15MM having 1-10 employees.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done
I found this book highlights the three important areas of any business – culture, strategy and structure. It stresses the importance of culture because it affects the growth and scale of any business. Moreover, the book lists the best qualities of a leader who could steer a company forward amid any market and economy.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
1) Think about stories in your personal life that have influenced your thinking or brought major learning in your life. Then write them out. Make them start each chapter of your book.
2) Connect the story or experience to the service you offer in your book
3) Guide the reader towards a concrete goal
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Schedule a phone call here: https://bit.ly/business-unit-execution
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