About the Book
Read Velocity Reading, and see your speed to extract quality information soar
“ When one reads too quickly or too slowly, one hears nothing.” Blaise Pascal
Do you know anyone who can quickly grasp the content of a book or report?
Nine times out of 10, it isn’t talent.
They learned a methodology. They learned how.
Do you forget most of what you read?
Do you have a hard time remembering and applying what you read?
Did you know that there are reading best practices?
A few decades ago, the author learned to read faster and better at 14.
He found a book on the subject while attending every week’s reading hour at the school library.
To enjoy that hour that he and most young men hated at the time,
he used his new skill to read a whole fiction book within the period.
Today, he shares the techniques and tips he has learned since.
In addition to you,
I dedicate this book to parents and teachers that teach kids to learn to read with their love and patience.
—–This is no ordinary book. This is a book on how to read other books.
Learn to Read Better & Faster
10 How to Lessons With Exercises
In the first lesson, you will learn the most critical technique: The Tennis Technique.
A method that doesn’t require you to skip any text so that you don’t miss anything.
You will never read the same way after that.
Each additional lesson requires around 15 minutes and comes with exercises.
The Bonus Lesson alone … is worth 100X what you invest in this book. ?
Take a look at the Table of Contents (Click on the Look inside – on the book image)
Inside this book:
- Read much faster without skipping any text. Why complicate – pg. 17-34
- In elementary school, you have learned to read word for word. Why is it a problem? – pg. 35
- Let your brain drives your readings, not the finger or anything else. Learn why. – pg. 36
- How to increase the width of your vision. – pg. 39
- Do not read as fast as possible. It is a mistake. Learn Why! – pg. 71
- Your eyes and your vision are circular. In other words, you see both vertically and horizontally. Learn how to enlarge your vertical vision span and read on mobile devices. – pg. 77-142
- Keywords Searching Techniques. – pg. 143
- To learn how to read faster, take your time first! Interesting, right? – pg. 143
- Train your brain to anticipate. – pg. 149
- Exercise to find a word or an idea faster without straining. – pg. 151
- Three Search Techniques and when to use them – pg. 159-169
- The five helpful and powerful skimming techniques to save time and the art of extracting ¨La crème¨ of a text with exercises. – pg. 189-260
- What you should do with your finger, hand, pencil, pen, or software. – pg. 263
- Easy and practical solutions for regression and subvocalization. It isn’t what you think … – pg. 271
- Bonus #1. Tactical and Advanced Reading. How to read a 300-page book within one hour! – pg. 291-318
- Tips on taking notes – pg. 319
- Bonus # 2. How to access your online membership area. Contents:
- Three very powerful memory technique
- An important time management tip
- Six myths about reading faster and the reality
- How to subscribe to keep receiving tips and future releases of more …
Take that first step that will improve your life forever! Get your copy of Velocity Reading.

About the Author
How I accidentally learned to read faster and better
A few decades ago, when I was 14,
we had a one-hour free reading session
at the school’s library.
An hour I would have spent elsewhere.
Free reading session meant that you could pick whatever book you wished,
and you wouldn’t have any homework to do about it.
I found that ¨hour¨ very annoying and unpleasant.
But what I did, like many of us to make it more bearable,
I picked and ¨read¨ comic books.
Because we were many,
it wasn’t always easy to get one that was even slightly interesting.
But one day,
quietly, sitting and looking almost anywhere
I saw one of the librarians reading at the speed of light …
That was the impression I had. He was reading a paperback
at a surprising rate.
I watched him for a few minutes.
I was impressed.
The rules at the time were very severe.
They didn’t want us to walk around constantly.
So, there was a price to stand up and ask this guy how he could read so fast …
So, I stood up and started walking.
I probably had walked halfway, 10 feet,
when my professor started walking in my direction.
I knew very well why.
I started to say, ¨I just want to ask him how he can read so fast. ¨
He signaled me to return to my place and followed me there.
He had a quick look at my comic book.
A few minutes later, while I brooded on my chair,
thinking about additional homework, the teacher would give me
for not having respected the rules.
I felt a presence on my left.
There he was, the librarian,
standing with a discrete smile.
He lightly deposited a book on the table on my left.
He said nothing and walked away.
I looked at the book. The title was ¨Learn to read faster¨ by a French author.
The fact that the librarian brought me a book and smiled
meant that I could do it too if I read and learned what was in that book.
I am sure this was the first time I was in a hurry to read a book.
I started reading it right the moment he gave it to me.
At the end of the hour, I was already a faster reader.
The following weeks,
I would pick a novel from Agatha Christie,
murder stories type of book, and I enjoyed it.
I could read the story at a speed that felt like
watching a movie unfolding in my head.
Today, decades later o wrote
the book Velocity Reading so
that others can do the same.
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