![Screenshot 2023-08-11 095839](https://i0.wp.com/book-boost.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Screenshot-2023-08-11-095839.png?resize=444%2C314&ssl=1)
About the Book
Let the inspiring Zen stories in this book take you on a journey into your inner world. The wisdom of Zen is presented here with lightness and liveliness, making it perfect for the modern urban lifestyle. These stories show how Zen practices can help calm our minds and relax our bodies, while strengthening our creativity, self-awareness and intuition.
Experience the healing power of trust, love and forgiveness, discover the true meaning of life and learn how to expand your consciousness. You will find the key to awakening your spirit and learn to let go on your path of renunciation. You will realise the beauty of the heart and master the art of embracing the unknown. The stories in this book will take you on a journey of growth and realisation as you deepen your connection to nature and your relationship with the universe.
This book will inspire you and help you nurture your self-love and compassion as you find your own mission in life. Discover the power of mindfulness and connection, the roots of happiness, the healing power of the voice and much more. Get ready to begin your own Zen journey and experience the beauty and wisdom of Zen.
About the Author
Andreas Wehle
Andreas Wehle ist ein erfolgreicher Friseurmeister, Wildniscoach, Mentaltrainer und Selbstermächtigungstrainer und Gründer der Unternehmen -NaturBua-, -OLFAKTORIUS- und
-Wandlungspfade-. Geboren am 26. Oktober 1980 in Köln, begann Wehle seine Karriere als Friseur im Jahr 1997. Im Jahr 2010 erwarb er seinen Meistertitel und gründete kurz darauf sein erstes Unternehmen, NaturBua. Seitdem hat er zahlreiche Weiterbildungen in den Bereichen Wildniscoaching, Mentaltraining und Selbstermächtigung absolviert.
Wehle hat seine Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse erfolgreich genutzt, um Menschen dabei zu helfen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Seine Philosophie ist es, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Körper, Geist und Seele wiederherzustellen und eine Verbindung zur Natur zu schaffen, um das Wohlbefinden zu steigern.
Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Friseurmeister und Unternehmer bietet Wehle auch Wildniscoachings, Mentaltrainings und Selbstermächtigungskurse an. Dabei arbeitet er eng mit seinen Kunden zusammen und hilft ihnen, ihre persönlichen und beruflichen Ziele zu erreichen und ihr Selbstbewusstsein zu stärken.
Mit Leichtigkeit versteht er es junge und herangereifte Menschen zu begeistern und sich zu öffnen für das reich der Geschichten und Erzählungen.
Auf seiner Webseite www.Andreas-Wehle.de bietet Wehle eine breite Palette an Dienstleistungen an, darunter Wildniscoaching, Mentales Training, Selbstermächtigung, Workshops und Seminare. Dort können Interessierte mehr über seine Arbeit erfahren und sich für seine Angebote anmelden.
Website: www.Andreas-Wehle.de
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
This book explores the world of inspirational Zen stories and takes the reader on a journey into their inner world. The wisdom of Zen is presented here with lightness and vibrancy, making it perfect for the modern city lifestyle. These stories show how Zen practices can help calm our minds and relax our bodies, while strengthening our creativity, self-awareness and intuition.
Experience the healing power of trust, love and forgiveness, discover the true meaning of life and learn to expand your consciousness. You will find the key to awakening your spirit and learn to let go on your path of renunciation. You will realise the beauty of the heart and master the art of embracing the unknown. The stories in this book will take you on a journey of growth and insight as you deepen your connection to nature and strengthen your relationship with the universe.
This book will inspire you and help you nurture your self-love and compassion as you find your own mission in life. Discover the power of mindfulness and connection, the roots of happiness, the healing power of voice and much more. Get ready to begin your own Zen journey and experience the beauty and wisdom of Zen.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
A wide range of readers will enjoy this book.
Individuals in search of personal growth and inner development.
People seeking stress management, relaxation and mindfulness techniques.
Readers interested in Eastern philosophy, spirituality and meditation.
People looking for new perspectives on life and existence.
People who live in hectic urban environments and strive for inner balance.
Seekers of inspiration for creative unfoldment and self-expression.
Readers interested in the application of Zen practices to modern everyday life.
Individuals seeking wisdom, inner peace and spiritual awakening.
Individuals interested in deepening their relationship with nature and the universe.
People who wish to experience the healing of trust, love and forgiveness.
Curious individuals who wish to strengthen their intuition and self-awareness.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
Michael Ende – is my absolute favourite author. He combines the art of original storytelling with the fullest potential to reawaken or encourage the imagination in a person.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
He should trust himself and, above all, find out WHY he wants to write. The drive is the most important thing!
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