Book-Boost Author Interview

Love On All Hallows Eve By Martha Wickham @MarthaWickham

On All Hallows Eve Terra meets Bobby. He pretends to be a monster while dating her. When she finds out they break up and he and his friend fear her and they kidnap her. Bobby becomes just another Frankenstein so she sees a psychic when she is haunted by him. It is the source of all her troubles. Can she let go of what brought her to life? […]

Book-Boost Author Interview

The Secret Order of the Orchid by Randle Crews

In eighteenth-century France, the mysterious death of one of the clergies is soon followed by the disappearance of another. It quickly becomes apparent that something sinister has invaded their monastery, and only a former cleric from Avignon can solve the mystery of the missing monks. Shortly into his investigation, he discovers that the truth behind the sudden tragic events is much more diabolical than he could have ever imagined. […]