About the Book

Patronel and Soriela is a book for children aged 9-12 years and more. It is a fantasy book to enrich childhood. Like the heroes in the stories who rose from the ashes, from helplessness, from being defeated by life and other malicious people, Patronel passes through all the difficulties to become stronger than he was. It’s a book to inspire courage and determination. When you have a dream, nothing is impossible. When you are determined to fight and overcome all the obstacles nothing can get in your way. Nothing can stop you.
About the Author
Fănica Rarinca is a Romanian geography teacher from 2000. She has 20 years of experience working with children and teenagers. She understands their needs, their worry, and their behavior.
Fănica is also a blogger. For the last six years, she is writing personal development articles on her blog Fanautodidact. She is reading personal development books for about 10 years. Shortly after starting reading self-help books, she learned to change herself and to act in order to fulfill her dreams. One of her dreams, since she was a child, was to write books, to become an author, and to enjoy many readers with her stories. After starting reading self-help books she faced her fears and decided to put her soul through what she was writing.
Patronel and Soriela was the first book she wrote and published, and it was born out of a nightmare. In her dream she was Soriela and she failed to save the one man who mattered to her the most.
It is a short reading, a book with 100 pages, easy to read, and to understand.
During these 10 years she kept reading self-help books, she attended seminaries, and learned to change herself bit-by-bit.
She got married, became a mother, started to write a blog, and now she performs as a teacher, blogger, and author every day.
In 2016 she wrote and published in Romanian a self-help book, “Free yourself from the wounds of the past and rediscover happiness!”
A year later another nightmare inspired her. She started writing the plot and the story became a four-volume novel, titled “Little Orange Star” and she published the first volume in Romanian in August 2020.
Patronel and Soriela is the first of her books that has been translated into English and it is now published and available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback.
Qn 1: Can you tell us more about your book What is it about?
Patronel and Soriela is a book for children aged 9-12 years and more. It is a fantasy book to enrich childhood. Like the heroes in the stories who rose from the ashes, from helplessness, from being defeated by life and other malicious people, Patronel passes through all the difficulties to become stronger than he was. It’s a book to inspire courage and determination. When you have a dream, nothing is impossible. When you are determined to fight and overcome all the obstacles nothing can get in your way. Nothing can stop you.
In a world with no rules, Patronel is a young man, honest, fighter for the right things, intelligent, courageous, and determined. At the beginning of the story, we find Patronel as an owner of a glass factory having over 500 employees. He is wise, kind, loving, sociable, fair, and nice to people. He is sought after by many businessmen for his advice.
But one day he is betrayed by three of his counselor. In order to take over his factory without paying it, the three went to a Wizard who turned Patronel into a toad, telling him that he will become human again when he eats a pear that grew in a cherry-tree. That means, never.
From this point Patronel is helpless. He can no longer communicate with anyone but frogs because nothing of what he says is understood by humans.
But Patronel is not an ordinary man, much less an ordinary frog. HE NEVER GIVES UP. He is determined to face every obstacle and win no matter what or how long it’s going to take.
However, Patronel is not alone. Soriela is a young employee of his factory, secretly in love with him. Although she tried to warn him about the plot of the three he didn’t believe her. So she failed to save him. But she is the one who gives him strength and her love is a fuel to keep him on track towards his new purposes.
Qn 2: Who do you think would be interested in this book, is it directed at any particular market?
Children aged 9-12 years who want to explore the world of stories, to live adventures or dramas from books.
Children who feel that their life is full of frustrations, for which they cannot find a solution.
Children who believe their lives are boring and want to escape into the world of stories.
Children who devour books, who identify themselves with the characters they read about.
Children who are eager to turn the next page and find out what else is happening and how the plot is ending.
Children who imagine the continuation or the end of the story, they are going through.
Children who love happy ending books.
Children who like fantasy and a little romance in the stories.
Qn 3: Out of all the books in the world, and all the authors, which are your favourite and why?
- 1. Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter – I read 24 volumes out of 36 and I couldn’t let the book out of my hands. I read the books day and night with only 2-4 hours of sleep per day. It caught me deeply. It is a fantasy series about wild cats but the story is as if they are human. They think, feel, act, love, fight for the territories, help each other, help even the enemies when they are in danger, have kits, take care of the elders, believe in a Superior force (The Star Clan), they pray, have prophetic dreams, and some of them have special powers.
- 2. The saga „Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martin – a series of novels very complex, from the Middle Age, full of love, war, fighting swords, politics, so many characters that you feel lost trying to remember whose house belongs to, fight for the power and influence, a lot of suspense, danger, even death.
- 3. Shogun by James Clavell – it is a historical novel I read about 7 or 8 times, or even more. It is a story from Medieval Japan when the European sailers were trying to discover and conquer new territories from the New World. An English ship reaches the coast of Japan during the internal political fight for influence. The captain of the ship has isolated from his group and taught the habits from Japan. Soon, he is rewarded because of his knowledge. He becomes influential, learns the Japanese language, is entitled samurai, and falls in love with his Japanese mentor, breaking the law of the country with this and bringing more trouble around him.
- 4. I like Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling because it has magic, action, lots of characters, suspense, danger, adventure, courage, determination, friendship, hope, heroism, and more.
Qn 4: What guidance would you offer to someone new, or trying to enhance their writing?
Well, I wrote Patronel and Soriela and another series novel Little Orange Star (this one in Romanian only), being inspired by two different nightmares.
Then, for the rest of the action, I have been inspired by other books I read, the films I watched, the different situations day-by-day.
For instance, when I watched a movie the emotions I felt created an image or a scene in my mind about the book I was writing. That scene produced another one and so on.
Or, one day I was walking the street and I hear someone talking. If the subject was related to the subject I wrote, or if I liked it, I kept that in mind and adapted to my story.
When I woke up from the nightmare, a dream was born and I started to write, having that dream in mind, and visualizing the action like I was watching a movie.
When you have a dream, your mind becomes extremely focused on what you want, and every situation you see, every dialog you hear can be a source of inspiration.
Qn 5: Where can our readers find out more about you, do you have a website, or a way to be contacted?
Readers can find me on www.fanicararinca.com (Here is my website wrote in English)
I have a blog, http://fanautodidact.ro where I post different articles, about self-help subjects, written in Romanian. But, obviously, nowadays the readers can use some translating tools from Google to understand what I write.
I can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fani.rarinca/
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/FanicaRarinca
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fanautodidact/?hl=ro
On Pinterest: https://ro.pinterest.com/fanica_rarinca/_saved/
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fani-rarinca-16517ab7/
On email: fanica_rarinca@yahoo.com
On Phone: +40746940323
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